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Everything posted by cheet22

  1. Oh and its deffo the ehps steering - electric pump with hydraulic fluid
  2. Thx for replies. So been running car for couple more weeks and i think im happy with temp. It takes only a mile or less for heater to blow warm, and temp does rise to 88-89 degrees within about 5-7 miles. But pretty consistent. Compared to wifes astra which does about same distance before reaching temp. On steering, not had chance to look into this (non stop rain for weeks!) but a quick look at fluid and its at right level but jet black. Wondering if i extract some (i have a fluid pump for car oil suction) and fill with clean fluid, run and repeat a few times to 'flush' new fluid through system is worth a shot? Failing this, i might drop into glasgow power steering and see what they say first.
  3. Thanks for replying. I havent had chance to do anythng for couple weeks due this ridiculous weather... Anyway, im pretty sure the car has the electric hydraulic steering, with fluid bottle over on nearside of engine bay. I plan to strip back air filter etc to see if i can see the actual pump which i think is down behind light. Will update when know more
  4. Hi, new member today after buying a c8 last week. It's a 2007 2.0i petrol auto It was an eBay buy so you guessed it, have found issues already! Just had thermostat, water pipe, CV boots, exhaust fixed but a couple more issues I'd love some guidance on 1. Temp - car gets to 90 degrees but takes a while. If I then park up for an hour and on return it's pretty much back to 60 or 70 degrees. Is this normal? 2. I have a loud buzzing noise from front right of engine bay as I look at car. If I turn steering the buzzing noise alters so I'm guessing this car has an electric hydraulic steering? And electric motor is buzzing? Anyone know much about the steering, how hard to replace, if this is a sure sign of impending failure? Google has little on these cars! And lastly, how the heck do you do anything is that engine bay?? Cheers for any support
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