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  1. Thats the fella, brill thanks. :)
  2. Finally got a Lexia that works on my C8, Ali Express was the way to go, I am trying to activate the trailer relay but Lexia requires a code number, does anyone know what the code is?
  3. Just a couple of quick questions on using the forum, 1.How do I delete a post I've made in the wrong section? 2.How do I receive notifications of reply's on my posts, I have followed the posts but do not get notified of reply's, I'm sure I have ticked the right boxes!? Many Thanks.
  4. Some more really useful info thanks :D , the dealer has confirmed that the solenoids are at fault, doesn't look like a too horrendous job, but the first course of action will have to be to get a working Lexia. Do you know what function the solenoids perform, am I looking at a huge failure at some point or will it just continue to be an irritation, again huge thanks for your help.
  5. Thats great thanks, some very useful links there :) Not sure that I can do it as I bought two lexias and couldnt get either to connect to my C8, worked ok on my dads C4, but not mine! But still some useful info if I have to go to the dealer...
  6. Hi, getting a Gearbox Faulty error from my 06 Hdi C8, only occurs first thing in the morning, then can be reset by switching off engine and restarting, can anyone recommend a specialist or course of action, the error is a low pressure one? One gearbox specialist I rang said they would not touch it as it was a semi automatic and didn't know anyone who would apart from a main dealer, which I would rather avoid!
  7. Great thanks I will check them out :)
  8. I was unsuccessful in removing the side panels, still don't know how your'e supposed to do it, luckily I was able to reach inside the hatch for the rear lights and get hold of the cabling I needed, so pretty poor instructions in the first place! All went without a hitch in the end :)
  9. Hi, hope you can help, I need to remove the trim at the rear of the C8 to access the wiring for a trailer, its the trim on the passenger side at the back over the wheel arch, I can see a few screws but any help would be appreciated :) Heres a pic of the instructions Cheers
  10. Hi, new here, could you send me that link too, all I have is French one and I'm struggling!
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