I also had no idea that there were problems with C3 springs until mine failed. I think we were very fortunate as it failed at low speed the evening before I was due to make a long motorway journey. What alerted me was when the recovery truck driver said that this was a common problem with C3's and that it usually destroyed the tyre Mine had dropped so low that they struggled for an hour to get it on the truck without causing further damage What horrified me most was that the flexible brake pipe had been severed by the spring. In my case the tyre was undamaged. The local Citroen dealer was cagey at first - they would have to take a look at the car first and submit a claim to Citroen. After looking on the net and taking account of the recovery service comments, I immediately stated that I expected that the repairs should be carried out free of charge as it was a known problem. The dealer took 6 days to carry out the repairs and only contacted me when they were finished despite me making several interim calls to them. When I picked up the car, there was no apology and when I persisted , the receptionist just said that the car VIN number was outside the recall range. He then implied that he was becoming accustomed to irate C3 owners as the spring failures were so commonplace. Make sure that the dealer knows that you know that there is an underlying problem with the springs on this car!