Hi just quick update I have found the problem after changing 3 pumps it was not the pump, if your suspension stops I would checked to see if i had power to the pump the main wire was reading 12v and command wire was reading 12v but when i plugged them back in the pump my mate stuck a multi meter pin probe and it was reading 3v only so i rang a auto electrician explained what was happening and he said the problem was before the pump he was bang on the only thing before the pump on the loom was the relay and guess what changed that got it from CITROEN main dealer for £16.88 and it worked suspension back up and running and now i have a spare pump so change that before you do anything else because these mechanics at citroen couldn't find it even with all their equipment they are just fitters and don't know anything unless the computer says to change it and they charge you £80 an hour and give you your back still broke because the computer couldn't find what's wrong.