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  1. Hi Paul thanks for the quick reply No it wasn't a Citroen dealer who diagnosed it as faulty ecu it was a mechanic friend of mine I know he has tried everything to overcome a rough idling issue. he has swapped everything and has come to the conclusion that it must be the ecu at fault. the issue is it wont pass the emission test. the co and hydrocarbons pass but the lambda test fails. I just thought it may be worth a try buying a second hand one for around £75 and give that a go. cheers Dave
  2. Hi all I have been told I need to replace a faulty ecu on my c3 1.4 petrol 8valve 54 plate I just want confirm that i get the correct parts for it as i understand i need the ecu,bsi unit (is the bsi unit the one inside the car in glove box?) ,keys and key surround is this correct? i have seen some of these for sale used on ebay from the same model but not all of the numbers on the ecu are the same is this a problem? first picture is original ecu sorry for all the questions but just want to make sure i do it right
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