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  1. Just a quick hello to intruduce myself, i've just recieved my first Citroen, 2006 C5 2.0HDi Exclusive estate, it has issues -as do most cars- but I know its been serviced correctly and looked after for the last 5 years which is more that you get with most cars. I'm just hoping that its nice to me for the next 5 years. I will no doubt be asking a lot of newbie questions on here so I apologies now and look forward to discussing many many issues with you, my first being which diag tool is best, but i'll look into existing topics for this :) speak soon neil
  2. Thanks paul and yes Rookie2 most of us do live with a "growl" :D
  3. Just a quick note, I now own above noisy car :) and the issue as since been identified as worn injectors, was informed that this wold cost around £200 per injector plus fitting so live with it, has been running fine for previous owner (father in law) for last 2 years so i'm not touching it, just wanted to update the site while I'm here :) thanks neil
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