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Everything posted by h28nvn

  1. i have brought a secoundhand bsi kit for my 2.2 hdi c8 the kit comes from a c8 2.2hdi it has all the nessesery parts ie ecu ignition and keys and even has a code card in the box the only difference in the cars is mine is a 53 plate and the kit comes of a 05 plate can i just change all said parts and use the car or is it more detailed than that the garrage that was going to do this cant do it for two weeks and i need car now driving me nuts having to reset bsi all the time
  2. have orderd a nother bsi ecu keys and barrle kit for my 2.2 hdi is there anyone in the plymouth area that can fit this for me been qwoted £160 so far but just seeing if there are cheaper options prices plz
  3. thankyou ill go find the little bugger now lol
  4. will the alarm switch on side of dash turn of my alarm plz i have bsi probs and can live with the odd light on dash or warning but the alarm is driving me and my neighbors nuts if not can anyone tell me where siren is and ill cut it out
  5. hi have bsi problems and have been trying to reset the way described on google followed it to every letter except mine gose bong the minute battery is connected and wont wait the few secounds before i turn on sidelights hence it not doing it properly and the dam alarm starts sounding grrrr neighbors not impressed where am i going wrong plz
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