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  1. Screeching noise
  2. Thanks for that think ive sorted it now just one more thing is the cooling fan is swiqling making a right racket How can i make it quiet again or will i need a new one
  3. Ive changed the door lock the other week but now the door handle keeps coming away from the white pieace on the inner door handle ive refited it twich now is there something im not doing right
  4. Thanks for that Ive just been look at the system and im lost carnt make my mind up if its the right raditor and cooling fan just doesnt look right On the rad on the bottom left the pipe that comes from the bottle has a kink in it Is there any pictures out there where i can see what they sposed to be like
  5. Hi My lad has just got a c3 and the previous owner has put a switch on the dash to turn on the raditor cooling fan unsure why ? What would i need to do or replace to get this back to standard So it turns itself on when car gets to hot
  6. Hi my lad has a c3 and the door lock is bust ive got a secound hand barrell for the door and a key which has a key fob on it Can this fob be programmed to the car as well as the orignal key If so whats the procedure Thank you
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