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Everything posted by kipperfeet

  1. hi paul, cheers for the reply.unfortunately my code reader isnt that good. however today i disconnected one lambda and another fault came up, so i presumed it was probably working ok. i then disconnected the other one and this came up with another fault so i presumed that one was ok. i then went in a pug forum and a few people mentioned replacing the crank sensor. i wasnt having it , but for the sake of £11.10 for a new one i gave it a go. it has worked, i cant believe it. fault cleared straight away. hope this helps someone else in the future.
  2. hi all , hoping someone can help. i have plugged obd scanner into car and its coming up with p0420 which is catalyst system efficiency below threshold. i have unplugged the precat lambda sensor and its reading 10ohms across the heater and 600mv on tickover, the postcat lambda is reading 15ohms on the heater and 300mv on tickover. i used to own a saxo vts which was seemed very fast compared to the same engined c2.was wondering if the cat could be blocked slightly. has anyone any thoughts.
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