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Everything posted by bill03

  1. HDi (Except 1.6HDi 16v) 20k or 2 years HDi 1.6 16v 12.5k or 2 years According to service book.
  2. bill03


    If people want to express an opinion on anything who are you to tell them not to? If you don't like the comments, don't read them..
  3. bill03


    No doubt a new EU directive will be following shortly. <_<
  4. I hope you enjoy it for a long time Wozza. :D
  5. I "PREFER" driving a turbo diesel. I've done all the petrol head, rev it to x000rpm driving experience bit. I grew out of it. Don't need it now and too much traffic, speed cameras etc to bother these days. So drive what you enjoy because in a few years you probably won't be allowed to drive anything more than a 50cc moped running on vegetable oil.
  6. Fuel economy may not be a concern due to low mileage but road tax might be. Isn't road tax increasing soon based even more on emissions? Check current rates HERE. Eg/. 2.0ltr, 180bhp petrol £190.00 1.6ltr, 110bhp diesel EGS £50.00
  7. Try a different make of CD and write/burn at low speed. :)
  8. And if the car park is on a gradient, always park facing uphill.. :)
  9. ham's_c4vts. I think you have misunderstood Rich's comment. "Nor very green" means "As well as what you said it's also not very green". In common use and I'm sure it's not a dig on anything you said.
  10. bill03


    It's cheaper to tax than my bike!! For 12 months, £60.00 for the bike and £50.00 for the car. :blink:
  11. Not sure.
  12. Found on another forum law regarding the above:- "IT is not acceptable to convert a headlamp approved for use with a halogen filament bulb to use a Xenon (HID) gas discharge bulb. The only acceptable way of converting is to replace the headlamp with one approved for gas discharge bulbs. Such headlamps will be approved to UNECE Regulation 98 and 'E' marked. If headlamps approved to UNECE Regulation 98 are retro-fitted, they must be self levelling (as part of the headlamp system, or via self-levelling suspension), and headlamp washers must be installed. Under the road traffic act 1988, it is an offence to fit or use parts which are not legal." Wondered if it would fail an MOT, or would they know?
  13. Ok, bought one from Phill (ebay). He only had two left at that price (£129.00), so thought better get one. :D
  14. Anyone know what's involved in fitting Rear Window Sunblind on the C4 Coupé, as it says it requires dealer fitting? Or should I get a spoiler to use as a sunblind? :P
  15. Yes, thought the same when I saw it on TV last week. :rolleyes:
  16. Welcome, looks good. Better without the spoiler. Just adds drag, increases fuel consumption and looks a bit naff IMO. Think I'll duck for cover now. :ph34r: :rolleyes:
  17. Sorry Stuey, nicked it from here:- HERE. :rolleyes:
  18. Think there's more work gone into it than this one, but this one seems easier to navigate.. Will use both.. :rolleyes:
  19. Oxygen and water vapour in regular air permeate through the tyre casing over time. However, if the tyre is filled with nitrogen, the far larger molecular structure can't get through. Hence pressure is maintained. Nitrogen also expands less with heat, so your cold and hot tyre pressures on cold and hot days will be far more consistent. Nitrogen also prevents the tyre from oxidising (as there's now no oxygen), maintaining the correct tyre compound and hence grip through the life of the tyre (especially important if you are a low mileage user).
  20. I had a similar problem when I had a Renault (Rubbish) Laguna. Went for the cheaper option and lost 5mpg over the originals.
  21. How does it plug into the 9706AG? Don't they both have male stereo ends?
  22. Just to clarify, do I get this 9706AG cable from Citroen or Peugeot parts dept?? Thanks...
  23. bill03

    Some Help.

    Agree with Mike5483. If it gets much larger sections would be useful. :D
  24. Merry Christmas to all. :o :D
  25. Good news and well done KFK. :)
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