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  1. Many Thanks for your help. I got it sorted in the end, it was an ignition module was damaged in the accident and i only found it once i started to strip it down. I bought another one (£30 Citroen) and everything was fine. Thanks for your reply. I have just had another thing go wrong on it though. It was running fine today, i put it into first gear and it didnt pull away as normal. I tried to get it back into neutral, but it stayed in 1. In the end i took the battery off and tried to do the reset thing you suggested. Now it comes up with the - symbol, but the car is locked in gear. I cannot now restart the car as it is in gear, and i cannot get it towed as i cannot get it into neutral. Many Thanks once again. Andy
  2. Hi there, did you get your item sorted. I have just bought a damaged C2 with the same problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Andy
  3. Hi there, did you get your car fixed. I have got a similar problem on a C2. ManY thanks, Andy
  4. HI all, hopefully someone can help me. I have just bought a 2005 C2 VTR. It was lightly panel damaged at the front end. As soon as i unlock the car, you can see the battery light flashing inside the car. Once in the car, it will not start and 'eco-mod' comes up on the centre display. Some of the auxileries eg fan, radio, wipers etc will not work, whilst the lights and indicators do work. I have phoned citroen and they have said its a flat battery, but i just bought a new one, and the problem remains. Any help anyone can give me would be most appreciated. Many Thanks, Andy
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