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Everything posted by Stekelly
Hi folks, Have a bit of an issue, while not paying attention and talking while lying under the car to do an oil change I managed to undo the drain nut on the gearbox. No problem I thought to myself, sure it probably hasnt had an oil change before anyway so I went and got myself a couple of litrs of gearbox oil and set about reading the haynes manual. Then I started to realise it was a more awkward job than I thought. The Haynes manual describes it and says its very awkward but doesnt have a picture of where exactly the filler plug is, im looking around as much as I have access toobut not haveing much luck. Any help (or pictures especially) would be great. It's a 2000 reg 1.8 16v
I'm in the process of putting my Xantia back on the road (2000 reg1.8 16v SX) but the wheels are in bits.The first attempt at a diy refurb didnt end well , so I've been lookign at new wheels. Came across affordible sets of 15's and 17's. The tyres that come on the 15's are too low, sidewall wise so will be a bit too different in rolling radius to the stock wheels. The 17's (205/40/17) are very close to the stock 15" wheels (185/65/15) and on the next change of tyres I'd increase the sidewall sizes a bit. Has anyone any experience with putting similar tyres on a Xantia and how it affected the ride? Cheers
Can anyone recommend a decent code reader for the Xantia? Or better still a full diagnostic handheld device or relatively cheap Car to PC cable? I've come across the draper unit http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CITROEN-AX-BX-ZX-XAN...A1%7C240%3A1318 but was hoping for something more advanced, like this http://www.launchtech.co.uk/single%20pages/codelink3.html or a cable to connect to a laptop and software. I assume the Xantia is an OBD2 connection? Any help is much appreciated. EDIT came across this guy on ebay , anyone got any recommendations of a specific model or even know if a particular one will work ? http://stores.ebay.com/DIYDiagnostics I like the look of this http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/WIRELESS-BL...48039QQtcZphoto
Cool cheers. Whats th epart called btw?cant seem to find it in the haynes manual
http://www.flickr.com/photos/10966545@N05/3244658940/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/10966545@N05/3244658634/ I may aswell stick this in this thread too. When I first got the Xantia last year I had a thread about small niggles. The only one still causing any real issue is the one in the photos. Basically the bown connector is clicking. Fairly rapodly and constantly while I drove about 2 miles today. Any ideas?
Yeah, cheers. Had though about the coil pack too but convinced myself if I didnt think about it then th ecoils were grand :-)
Good news, (kicking myself though) just changed the battery as the old one wasnt charging after I ran it down tryign to start the car. I knew when the battery would charge with my charger that it was knackered. Turns out its a dead cell. Car is now running. Happy days.
Changed the fuel filter and the plugs yesterday but it doesnt seem to have helped anything.
Hi folks. Having a major issue with my 00 1.8 16v Xantia. Basically it wont start. The starter motor is turning but no "catch" and ignition. I initially thought I had run out of fuel as I'd been drivign for a bit with the light on.When I turn the key to just before the starting position I get the (handbook description) Engine auto-diagnosis light as well as the STOP and hydraulic pressure and fluid level light. If I keep it turning the starter motor for about 5 or 6 seconds the diagnosis light seems to go out and it nearly catches but doesnt. Any ideas? Any chance it could be somethign simple like it sucked up some dirt from the bottom of the tank when it ran low? I can hear the pump priming when I turn the key first so thats workign at least. I noticed that the red light in the coolant temp gauge cluster is on the first time I try start it after I unlock it (cant remember if that ever was on before or if it's supposed to come on). It's turning over and a few times it kind of splutters like it's about to start but doesnt. Outside of fuel delivery or an ignition problem, any chance I'm looking at an immobilser issue? I've tried starting it with both keys so I'd imagine that rules out the key haveing lost the code. When I crank the engine the diagnostic light goes out but the hydraulic pressure and fluid level light stays on. I got a set of plugs and a new fuel filter that will hopefully (weather permitting) get fitted tomorow. Any help is much appreciated.
Hi folks, qick question. Does anyone know which discs a 1.8 16v takes fromt the gsf list? cheers. The back I assume are these N60312 BRAKE DISC-REAR SOLID BRE XANTIA ALL HATCHBACKS But I cant see a suitable set for the front. Price() Basket N60116 BRAKE DISC-FRONT VENTED(B XANTIA ALL (EXCL 16V/EST/2.1TD/HDI 110/V6 19.50 Add N60116 BRAKE DISC-FRONT VENTED B XANTIA 90 BHP HDI MODELS 19.50 Add N60116F BRAKE DISC-BREMBO'MAX' XANTIA 90 BHP HDI MODELS 31.50 Add N60116F BRAKE DISC-BREMBO'MAX' XANTIA EXCL 16V/EST/2.1TD/HDI/V6 31.50 Add N60117 BRAKE DISC-FRONT VENTED XANTIA HDI (DW10) 110HP 33.90 Add N60132 BRAKE DISC-FRONT VENTED ( XANTIA 2.0 16V & ESTATE (exc HDi) 25.00 Add N60134 BRAKE DISC-FRONT VENTED ( XANTIA 2.0 TURBO & 2.1TD ALL 25.00 Add N60312 BRAKE DISC-REAR SOLID BRE XANTIA ALL HATCHBACKS 15.50 Add N60313 BRAKE DISC-REAR SOLID BRE XANTIA ESTATE 21.50 Add N62316 BRAKE DISC-FRONT VENTED XANTIA HATCH 1.6/1.8/2.0 8 V 17.25 Add N62332 BRAKE DISC-FRONT VENTED XANTIA 2.0 16V & ESTATE (EXC HDi 110BHP) 25.40 Thats whats listed
Yeah I've never been able to find anything outside the basics with any degree of ease in it to be honest. Went to a citroen dealer today here in Dublin today and the guy didnt know what I was on about. He was a parfts guy in a suit in front of a computer so I doubt he ever got his hands dirty and the cars are pretty much just part numbers to him. I got a number for a local old schoold citroen garage off a guy on another board. Gave him a ring and he knew straight away what was wrong. Long story short he is doing it for me tomorow for €35 +vat , so around stg£34 . I'm happy eoungh with that. Cheers for the help (again :-) )guys.
Hi colin. Any chance there is a part number or name for the part? I'm having the same problem as Kenny, started today. Will a Citroen dealer know what I'm on about if just tell them the plastic rod between the height corrector and the anti-roll bar? Dont suppose GSF stock the part? Does anyone know what section in the Haynes manual I'm lookig at for this? Is it in the height corrector section? I had a quick look under the car there, not entirely sure where I should be lookinjg, is the part obvious (and obviously broken when it is?) Thanks.
Hi folks. have another tiny issue. Took the radio out today to install my bluetooth car kit and when I reconnected it naturally looked for the code. No problem I thought, everything is in the documents folder. Not so.. The original card is there with all the details and the radio code. Tried entering it and it keeps saying error. Any suggestions? Or is it just a trip to a dealer? Cheers
Was just thinking out loud there, Is there any chance a Xsara key could be programmed to work on the xantia? Do they not have flat mounted buttons? so that the button isnt pushing against the contacts on the pcb? I'll give the method on the site a tr tomorow Colin but the reason I dotn think it will work with a key from another car is that surely anyone with a xantia key could use this method to streal other xantias by coding the key to that car. Which is why I think it would have to be decoded then recoded for the new car. again, just me thinking out load.
Might try getting the buttong soldered from the new key to the old. Both keys were broken when I go the car. It only has 53k miles so either they are flimsy or there was a hard buttin pressing owner before.
Hi folks. Just an update on the sphere change. Got the fron two done fine but the rear two, the accumulator and the anti sink wont budge. It's like they're welded on. Cant get a movement at all. :-( A guy across the road works at a main Peugoet dealer. Might see if he fancies the rest of the job as a nixer. It'll probably be an easier job with a pit/ramp. Between this and the football not going to plan, it's turning into a frustrating day.
Got myself a new (2nd hand but in top condition ) key on ebay a couple of weeks back, to replace omy 2 keys that I got with the car , both of which the lockign button is broken off. Does anyone know if it can be recoded using the methods set out online (highly doubt it but just want to make sure) or will I have to go to a main dealer? I'm guessing the diy method of coding only works for a key that was already coded to the car in question to begin with and just dropped the code, but to get a key coded to a different car altogether its a main dealer job? With regard the new key I bought, it's physically in much better nick than the other 2 I have, does anyone know how to take the blade out of the key so I can put mine in? Or is it a factory job and once its in its in, meanign new key altogether or carring 2 keys (one to lock/unlock and one for the ignition)? Off topic, but who the hell ever thought mounting the buttons sideways onto the pcb would be a good idea?
Thanks again for the help everyone. Had a chance the other day to check out the ticking noise and it actually coming from a brown cable connector ( I assume it's some sort of a relay if it's ticking?) at the front right of the engine bay as you look into it. It between the grille and the battery. It seems to run from somewhere to the side of the battery (between the battery and wing and off across towards the left of the engine bay.. Any ideas? Thanks.
Thanks again Colin, it really is appreciated. I'm going to order the bits and pieces I need in the morning . I'm sure I have the right things but just in case: (copied from GSF) N45366 SPHERE-REAR XANTIA 1.816V/1.9TD/2.0/HDI x 2 N45372 ANTISINK SPHERE-REAR XANTIA ANTI SINK x 1 (or this? N45354 SPHERE-REAR CENTRE XANTIA CENTRE REAR (is it the same thing?) N45332 SPHERE-FRONT XANTIA 1.8 16v/1.9TD/2.0/HDI NON Hydractive x 2 N45322 SPHERE-FRONT CENTRE XANTIA CENTRE FRONT (again is this the same as this? N45304 ACCUMULATOR SPHERE XANTIA ACCUMULATOR ) Thanks again.
Thanks for the help Colin. Just to clarify ,is the rear centre one is just the same as the standard rear ones,? EDIT. looking on GSF and theres a specific centre rear one (N45354) Just checking, theres a front centre one aswell is'nt there? I assume the front accumulator you mention in the link is the front centre one? GSF have a front centre shpere and an accumulator sphere listed ( N45322 & N45304 ) One thing I did forget though. I bought a new key on Ebay and got it today (2 working buttoons, yay) . I plan on getting it recoded but can anyone tell me how to get the key blade out to swap it with the one that fits the car? does the pin push out or do I just pull the edges apart? Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the help, much appreciated.
Thanks for the help. Just checked the Hydraulic fluid level and its a bit low (checked with the suspension on highest and engine running). Was thinking of doing a flush and replacing the fluid. Is this to be recommended or should I leave well enough alone and just top up? Also, how much fluid do I need to completely refill the system from empty? The book suggests 1L in the levels section but that seems very low. Have decided to change all the spheres too for peace of mind. had a scan of the posts about changing the rear spheres (will read in detail in a bit), is there one giving the details for the front or is it the same? Whats the situation with the rear centre one? I assume this gets changed along with the two outer ones? Is it a standard rear sphere? Thanks again folks.
Thanks bob, wll give that a go. ne other thing I forgot, theres a ticking noise coming from the left front side on cold startup. Anyone know what that might be. It goes after a while of driving.
Cheers Colin. Much appreciated.
Having a few issues with my X reg Xantia I just bought, thought I'd be better off with a newthread rather than tacking it in at the end of my central lockign thread. It only has 53500 miles (with a FSH) so hopefully nothing major is wrong I'll start from the front and work my way back. This one I had in the other thread but may aswell put it here. I drove the car from Birmingham to Holyhead and after about 20 mins of motorway driveing, probably touched the brakes once if at all, the ABS light came on and stayed on till I stopped for food. Then after another 20 mins of motorway drivgin it came on again. When I got back to Dublin and was doing city driving for about an hour there was no sign of the light. Had the car in work today and again no sign of the light, it's a commute of about 12 miles each way in city, no long sits in traffic though, Any ideas? There is a buzzing noise that from the best I can tell is comeing from behind the clock/temp display above the radio. The rear suspension (I think it just needs new spheres) is harsh and when I go over a speed bump it kind of just lands with a bump, nothng major but just doesnt seem to have any bounce to it. The spheres look fairly worn and I doubt they were changed whereas the front ones look brand new Theres a very annoying spueky rattle comign from the boot area. Not sure if it's a suspension related thign or something within the boot instelf (boot is empty, I'm thinking trim or somesuch) Think thats it, thanks for any help.
Just following up on this. Bought the car today, turns out the lock button on both keys is broken off . I opened the keys and the button dropped out on one and is missing altogether on the other. I'm looking at a couple of keys on Ebay to use the pcb boards and put into my keyfobs and reprogram, Does anyone know how the keyfob comes apart? I have the back cover off but cant get the board to come out. I tried givng it a little tug but it wont ome out, dotn want to force and break it. Even if I can just get the key blade out I can swap it into the new key, does the keyfob just pull apart? or does the pin that goes through iit push out or somesuch? Unrelated issue but I drove the car from Birmingham to Holyhead and after about 20 mins of motorway driveing, probably touched the brakes once if at all, the ABS light came on and stayed on till I stopped for food. Then after another 20 mins of motorway drivign it came on again. When I got back to Dublin and was doign city drivign for about an hour there was no sign of the light. Any ideas? Thanks.