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The ignition coils is directly fitted on the plug in this model. I can hear the spark when someone helped to start the car. I see no need to take off the plug anymore. By the way, I fitted another multifunction display,the car still did not work. It looks as if the information is still stored in the bsi. However, while troubleshooting with Lexia, I saw engine ecu locked to bsi. I don't know if this is normal. In the BSI parameter, it shows economode = active. I try to reconfigure the bsi to reset this to inactive but could not. It is asking of 5 digit code. Any idea how to get this?
when I brought car it came with little credit card for the key info this has a 5 digit code, and in the handbook it says to keep it safe because the service techies need it to work on immobilizer and ecu. If this is lost new ecu is needed

As i said previously the vehicle needs Spark, Fuel & Air to start:


You only think its sparking because you think you can hear it sparking and you say you dont see the need to remove the coil/plugs to visually check.



You then say that the Engine ECU is locked......according to the info in the BSI........If the Engine ECU is locked it wont be sparking, it also wont be supplying Fuel.


If you can find the time can you remove the plugs, crank the engine over and physically see if its sparking, you will also be able to tell us if the plugs are wet aswell...... there is no point posting your progress without doing this.


I would also like to say.....i am not telling you to fit a coil and plugs to see if it works i'm asking you just to check and report back.


Another question, does the 'key' light stay on on the dash?



Economy Mode:

The reason your car is in economy mode is because the ignition has been on for over half an hour without the engine running. When the engine starts and runs it will turn economy mode off......you dont need to worry about it being in economy mode......some functions like window operation wont work while economy mode is active.



An example of economy mode:


If your car was operating correctly and you sat listening to your radio for in excess of half an hour without the engine running it would eventually cause the vehicle to enter economy mode, turning the radio off. Staring the car will cause the vehicle to come out of this mode and restore radio operation.


Thanks kfk. Your advice has been so wonderful. I was thinking there is no way the the ignition coil coould ignite since it has to be taken out before removing the plug. I will try as u have said to remove the plugs when I am back home again this weekend. Every other things work in this car. All the window, central lock, lights work fine. When the key is in ignition position, all light come up as stated in the manual. The battery flashes continuously and steady after some minutes. The engine management light that shown on the dashboard suggests that the ECU of the engine is ok as stated in the manual. However, the manual commented that car could enter standby mode if there is a spark and it will not start. The centre control of the car is the BSI and it can only lock the car. That is why I am I wanted to use my Lexia to reconfigure the BSI. I saw one code under my engine ECU, it is printed in small paper The code is "WB-02-4". It did not work with the BSI so I though it may be for the ECU.

This saga will continue again.........Anyway there is a big lesson to learn in all these. Thanks for every contributions.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello pretigious members :D

I took plugs off with the assistance of a friend. No spark was notice. Put the car back on Lexia and bingo! I discovered the same thing saw by the dealer about the ECU. The LEXIA RESULTS were written as follow:


Status of the ECU: ECU locked

Engine immobiliser programming status: Matched ECU (Lexia parameter explanation: engine immobiliser is functioning)

Problem detected during transmission of unlocking code: Impossible to read engine immobiliser programming status


Parameter detail for "Impossible to read engine immobiliser programming status" = The engine management ECU cannot read the engine immobiliser programmings status. Replace the engine management ECU.


I was told the ECU can be reflashed to unlock state. Not guaranteed anyway. I am thinking of changing BSI, Engine ECU, key transponder and see if it will work since the cost is about have of changing only the ECU. However, I am concern about the following:


1.Is it going to work at all?

2. Higher mileage transfer to the car.

3. Transponder code (dealer)to program the key to the bsi.

4. Condition of the ECU. (although I have saved the configuration of my BSI and ECU)


Please has anybody done this before. Any advice is welcome.

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