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Workshop manual - lack of!


I contacted Haynes a couple of years ago and they said that they had no plans at that time to produce a manual for the C5. This has happened with all my previous new cars, but a manual was eventually available in each case.

However, I recently read in an auto mag that because fewer people were doing their own servicing, that Haynes were producing fewer manuals - presumably now only for mass market cars.

Can I suggest that anyone who would like a manual, to at least send an e-mail enquiring about availability. A letter would probably count more highly. The three year guuarantee is keeping with my Citroen dealer at least until it is over in about nine months. Then I am tempted to do my own servicing if I can get some sort of manual. Perhaps a friend in the trade might help!


The thing you find these days is that service manuals and documentation get circulated in electronic formats (Acrobat documents on CD's) and these somehow find there way onto sites like eBay (even though they are dealer use only).


So you might have more luck looking on eBay for an official Citroen Workshop Manual rather than waiting on Haynes to produce a cut down version of the same thing.



Black 55 VTR+

  • 1 month later...

When i got my C5 four years ago, i wrote to Haynes asking them if they had any plans of publishing a manual, but i'm afraid i got the same reply ! Mine is a 2001 model (2ltr HDI). Haynes produce the Peugeot 406 manual (book 3982), which covers the engine, and some other things are similar, which could help you get by.

A word of warning though. I found someone on Ebay selling cd's, supposedly copies of the cd roms that the garages use. I bought one. Considering it only cost a few quid, i wasn't really risking anything, which is just as well. This CD was supposed to tell you everything you needed to know in minute detail. It told you bugger all ! My advice is stay well clear. I contacted the seller (who wasn't a bad chap really !), who agreed to change the wording on his advert (which he has done), but the long, short and tall of it is, you can't get the information to service this vehicle !

David R.

On another C5 forum which I go on, someone said Haynes planned to publish a C5 manual next February. Meanwhile I've bought a copy of the Revue Technique. It's in French, but better than nothing!
  • 3 weeks later...
  aantanas said:
hi Johndouglas can you put somewhere in the internet your revenue technique in french.[/url]

Yes! I got your message and tried to reply. Unfortunately I don't have scanning facility. Revue Technique is available in Naurauto shops.

  • 3 weeks later...
Naurauto are a bit like Halfords. They're usually found in hypermarket precincts. If you ever get to Calais, there are two. One at Auchan, the other at Carrefour.
  • 6 years later...

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