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he says that it is rubbish, had loads of problems with it hence the free service certificate.


Last time he posted he said he wanted an Alfa Romeo. Clearly he wants an unreliable, boring, badly built car instead of the C4 B)


You did also get the totally unsporting version of the C4 though. I would not expect a 92bhp diesel to do much in giving you a great driving experience lol. Where as the VTS has many little differences to make it much better.


Stiffer lower suspension. Steering has been made heavier. Actually have some power etc. Not many cars with 90bhp are particularly sporty to drive in all fairness i think your expectations of what you bought were too high.

Indeed, I agree with Wozza, I've driven many many different cars, and my absolute favourite is the C4 - let's face it, I put up with Citroen for it! You should see my diesel, very fast powerful car with the chassis and build to handle it - superb.
Could say its powerful you left me for bloody dead last time when i was following you on the motorway. And i was driving mine as hard as was possible not changing till 6000rpm etc.

Oh dear, unfortunate that this user has seen fit to resort to abuse, degradation and stating lies believing them to be true.


As the rest of the forum will agree, I am sure, Wozza is not:


just a kid who knows nothing much about cars but always has an answer for everything.


but is indeed a veritable encyclopedia on all things motor related, not just C4, and has been the backbone of this forum for a very long time.


The C4 is one of the best handling cars I've ever driven. Granted, not the best, but by far better than most. Perhaps C4VTRhdi should get his handling checked out.


We have tried to be as informative for you as possible, and we're sorry you weren't happy with your C4, and wish you luck with your new car.


C4VTRhdi i must disagree with your comments, wozza definately knows his stuff and has helped me with so many quieries.


Also, i don't think you can say that this forum doesn't appreciate other cars, especially wozza as we are both members on cliosport and have often mentioned other models that we like.


And finally... i must say you certainly know how to sell a car. "realise what an unsporting and dull drive the C4 is" good look with a sale after comments like that, doubt your sale will be through this site.


If you had read any of my post on the handling of the C4 you would see where i state my other cars have all been more fun to drive. The C4 just has more straight line speed and is more comfortable. However im not keeping mine for much longer i dont think as i will be upgrading to something with a fair bit more oomph. And so far the shortlist is. Vauxhall monaro, Chevrolette Corvette and the Roush Mustang. As i want something with some power thats not boring as hell to drive...like most beemers and i wanted something RWD.


Yes i dont know everything about cars but im willing to bet i know a fair deal. Or is my mechanical engineering degree that im currently doing which is mainly in automobile engineering teaching me nothing about cars...Hmm might possibly be.


The handling on the C4 is alright for what its designed as a comfortable passenger car. Its not great but in its class its not bad. Its not really that much worse than a focus or an astra, megane. And the Sports models of all of these cars are all better. They handle better they have more go, They stop better they feel better to drive with changes in the steering etc.


Im interested in others opinions and i only answer things i have an answer to if i dont have a clue or im wrong i will say im wrong. But because i have an opinion im a know it all. Well Thanks.


And if your selling up and not wanting to come here and socialize with a know it all kid....well fine dont let the door hit you in the arse on the way out c ya.


And i hope your new cars boot does not stick.


Oh dear :D


Wozza mate dont retaliate...


C4VTRHDI - This perhaps isnt the place for you is it...we are all forum members and fully entilted to say what we like in alignment to the rules. If you dont like what you are hearing, you need to understand that they are the views of other people, and you need to respect that. Getting your knickers in a twist and insulting people isnt going to make you persuade their opinion in alignment with yours!


And I'm affraid I agree with Lee, saying your car is a poor drive and agreeing that your car in the past has been riddled with faults isnt the best way to sell something is it?!


I wish to add my support to wozza, whom i have actually met and does know what he is talking about.


Anyone that thinks an Alfa Romeo is better than a C4 has a screw loose, and that is not a personal comment, but based on fact, that anything made by Alfa Romeo is less reliable than any Citroen. :D


Mate brother owned a 156 for a while and it was perfectly fine same with Fiats they get the rep of being unreliable its simply not true have had 3 fiats in the past and still have 1 now all been fine.


Alfas are good cars and the brera is absolutely stunning if you ask me and so is the GT. Lovely cars would love a go in the brera. And the engine notes from those V6's are so nice. And the engine usually looks like a work of art.


Id definitely have one.


But im an american car fan if i could afford to restore one and find one. Would have to be a 1970 Dodge Hemi charger. Very difficult to find now though. Plus it'd be hell driving around in something like that now. Hence me looking at newer cars. Mustang is still winning though as its the only one i can afford from brand new. Could not bring myself to spend £60k+ on a new corvette theres better cars to be had where as i can get the stang back fully spec'd up with a few extras for £20k

Guest CE05LDB

Wozza thought id say that what that guy said about you is totally wrong and is out of order.


You have a better C4 than him so perhaps he's jealous.lol

not to blow my own trumpet or anything but...I drive Aston Martins, Lambo's, Ferraris and many other superb marques through the summer months and to compare the C4 to anything in that class would be wrong but on the drive back from Solihull on a Sunday night after doing many many miles in supercars the C4 handling really isnt that bad. I dont drive a VTS so I am losing out on the firmer springs and stiffer anti roll bars etc but if I want to blast down country roads the C4 is quite happy to do that or if I want to be comfortable on a long motorway journey it can do that too. We keep coming back to Alfas...has anyone read a good review on the Brera their flagship model?? no didnt think so...Italian cars look good but generally are a nightmare...Alfa Romeo is not the exception.

ssshhhh dont tell anyone Ciaran!!


I drive for an experiance provider...that statement makes no sense but bear with me, the company is called Drivers Dream Days and they charge you for having a few laps in Astons and Lambos. I am one of their inscructors.


If you read EVO magazine, the orange Murci does the majority of its track work with us.

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