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So I've rented a Picasso over the weekend.


Holy crapoli Batman! Does that thing move or what? Been rallying it around the backroads of Scotland dishing out rainsters to Rav4 and Golf GTi drivers who had to blast through rural towns at 50 mph just to catch up to me (While I was religiously sticking to 30mph through, cause I may be mad, but I ain't stoopid.) and I still left them on the b-roads*.


Takes corners in exactly the same way that a large brick-like soccer mom-mobile can't. Back end skipping, rear-end drift with just footbrake and gas pedals, trimming the rear rear-axl with the handbrake on the uphills . . . I LOVE this car.


*BTW, the ESP traction control thingy can't handle freshly laid cow-poop (to the Fiat driver - if he's reading this - I passed on the way over from Largs, sorry man, I didn't know the mini-van could go in that direction, hope you didn't get too much of a fright.)

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