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Has anyone had problems with there central locking system?

ie it locks then unlocks straight away? I found out in a car park and was not able to lock the car up so had to return home and block the car on the drive with antoher one. Why don't citroen think of these things do we need to go around with two cars just in case this sort of thing happens? :lol:


You are SO gonna hate to hear this.


All to do with the trunk lid. You HAVE to be sure it's closed, ditto all the doors.


Even when you're pretty sure that the trunk lid is closed, sometimes it hasn't quite caught. Just pull up on the side of the handle gently.


If the car senses any doors that could be the least bit open it aborts locking.


Also, if you have some 4-year old kid playing with key fob :lol: then you may find that it's disabled the remote locking for a few minutes.


These are the only two problems I've found with the central locking.

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