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Everything posted by C4VTRhdi
Thats the reason im selling the C4 so I can by a 406 coupe! Good choice my man. Make sure its the 210bhp 3.0 V6 though
Yeh but they are probably petrol, look on autotrader at diesel coupes and the cheapest is £8400
yes put it on ebay got lots of viewings and people interested but only got bids up to £6600 and ive had it on autotrader and still cant sell. Seems no one wants to buy it, cant work out why because it looks good and is very frugal. maybe its because its a coupe i dont know?
still for sale
Very easy when you try and buy a car off Citroen and they treat you like dirt you complain, and hey presto a few weeks later a letter arrives on the mat saying one free service!!
Still for sale if anyones interested?
The C4 is a bad car full stop, duff build quality, poor to drive worst car ive had by miles and ive been through a few. Get rid while people might still buy it!
My C4 is for sale but ive reduced the price quite a bit as ive seen a car im after. The car was up for £8495 but is now priced to sell at £7900 ono.Also comes with a certificate from Citroen for a free service so you wont have to pay for one for over 22k!! Car details: wicked red 1.6hdi C4 coupe, FCSH, taxed, 27k on the clock. In mint condition. any more questions just ask or you can email me andrewrosie@blueyonder.co.uk or phone 07931218792
My C4 is for sale but ive reduced the price quite a bit as ive seen a car im after. The car was up for £8495 but is now priced to sell at £7900 ono.Also comes with a certificate from Citroen for a free service so you wont have to pay for one for over 22k!! Car details: wicked red 1.6hdi C4 coupe, FCSH, taxed, 27k on the clock. In mint condition. any more questions just ask or you can email me andrewrosie@blueyonder.co.uk or phone 07931218792
My gilrfriend has a new VW golf and the interior is very dull but id say the build quality is better the C4 isnt far off but its not quite there yet, the Golf also never rattles and feels much more solid to be honest.
Ive seen it on a black car at the dealers and it looks great, it fills out more at the bottom than what it looks like on the silver car which is a poor pic. If you look at the footage of the C4 rally car you will notice the front bumper is the same or almost identical and that looks fantastic. If I keep my C4 ill be having one for sure.
Hi my vtr hdi is for sale £7995 if your interested. Comes with a certificate for a free service, so you wont have to pay for a service for 23k!
I have had similar problems with my car, the build quality is abysmal for an 05 car with 27k on the clock its a disgrace. Ive been to the dealers every week since ive owned it. Ive owned 8 cars in 8 years and this is the worse car ive had by a long way, I also had an mg zr which I thought at the time had awful build quality but this citroen is on another level. I had an Alfa 156 that had done 87k and not one rattle solid as they come and they get slated in the press. I think Citroen didnt do any quality testing and thought they would use the customer to do it for free! Oh and before the lucky ones with no problems go well there are niggles with all cars, id say 90% of the peeps on here and other websites have had problems. Anyone want to make me an offer?
still loving the fact that my petrol is getting more than the diesels!! Stuey wins!! How do you work that out? Ive never been below 47mpg?
Mines currently on 49.7 and thats mostly town driving. Who knows what id get if i got out of the city, I reckon 700 miles from a tank is achievable ;-)
What about the 1.6 diesel, id be very interested.
Hi I went abroad last year driving through France,Holland,Germany, Austria and Slovenia. I took beam deflecters with me but never used them and didnt have any problems. I did get pulled over once by Slovenian police for not having my sidelights on(it was midday, but its the law there) and they never said anything about not having beam deflectors.
Sounds like a good deal the diesel engine especially the 110hdi is far superior to the 1.6 petrol, all that torque plus great economy. Im sure youll have more fun especially when that turbo kicks in ;-)
Surely someone wants my car, make me an offer. May take a part ex.
Well ive only had the car a month and personally its not doing it for me. Having previously had an Alfa Romeo I want to get back into a proper drivers car like a bmw or another Alfa Romeo. The car looks the part dont get me wrong but there is nothing sporty or involving about the driving experiance for me, much prefer to be lower down in the car, and have more feel through the wheel. For someone though this is a very good car.
Citroen C4 coupe for sale in wicked red on an 05 plate with 6 months tax. Its also just been serviced by citroen dealer. 26k in mint condition, very economical 600 plus miles from a tank and group 4 insurance.
Dave and Trace thanks for changing my bulb! Your car looked fantastic by the way ;-)