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Roger W

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  1. I had an '09 VTR Estate before my '62 Exclusive Estate. In my view the Hydractive is way ahead in comfort and road holding. In 28 years of Citroen suspensions in their various incarnations I have never had a suspension problem except with the bi-metal corrosion in the rear arms of the '09. The '09 was the only non-fluid model and bought at the time because there was a long delay on 2 litre diesel exclusives and I needed a quick deal as my son had my '05 Exclusive. After the electrics were sorted under warranty, a common failing with the early versions, the only other fault was the steering rack at 4 years. The '62 had the heater motor replaced after about 4 weeks from new. Since then it has only needed servicing. I would have replaced it last September as usual after 4 years but they stopped making them! I've looked at various alternatives but have decided to keep it. As a long distance tourer it's brilliant and the kitchen sink can come as well.
  2. Mike, My 2009 Exclusive was a nightmare although all sorted under warranty. The steering rack went 18 months after I sold it. The replacement 62 reg Exclusive Estate has been faultless over 2.5 years. Now debating on replacing it in October if they keep making them for a bit longer! Roger W
  3. Sounds about right to me. On a French 'motorway' at 55 - 65 I can do 50+ mpg. Around Bath, all hills, in the winter, perhaps 38. I found the extra ooomph from the 160 over the old 140 doesn't help! But it's a lot more fun!! And the readout is very dependant on recent mileage. A trip down to the coast the other day showed 164 miles fuel left. On arriving 76 miles later it showed 161. The difference between a couple of days shopping on the hills and a gentle cruise down to Lyme Regis. Isn't technology wonderful!
  4. Hi Johntech, I've also had Citroens for the last 25 years. On C 5's, all estates, the 2005 Exclusive was superbly comfortable, the 2009 VTR+ was all right but the 2013 Exclusive with the 'proper' suspension is so much better. For a start you get the electric seats (adjustments not heating!) and the sport button makes it much more drivable on country lanes. The VTR drove well but for long distance cruising the Exclusive is streets ahead and as I recall Coastline saying, the fatigue factor with the proper suspension is so much lower. I normally buy at about 6/9 months old and keep for 3/4 years but the latest was new as I couldn't find a 2.0 manual diesel estate at a sensible price. The new one came with a £7k discount. The only minor haggle is I bought a black one! Not the easiest to keep looking clean!
  5. The previous post should read 'July 2012' not 2013. Engage brain before posting!!
  6. The Citroen recommended service intervals for the C5 diesel changed in July 2013 from 2 years/20,000 to 1 year/12,500. I was nearly caught out as I didn't look at the handbook and the service indicator on the dash was set for 20,000! Having said that I have always had a 1 year oil change and check-over as 2 years and 20,000 was, in my view, far too long. I suspect the higher performance of the latest Diesels need a bit more looking after! There is no early 'first service' listed.
  7. Apologies for the delay in response. The Mk 1 C5 and it's update had a problem with dissimilar metal corrosion on the arms of the rear suspension which over time caused a distortion on the disc angle and hence wear. It was 'cured' by coating with a copper grease usually around the time for a rear disc change when it was all half stripped anyway. Mine needed doing at around 4 years (60K) I'm sure you'll find reference to it in the forum archive. I don't know yet whether this is a problem on the Mk3. Not seen any mention recently so maybe Citroen have got to grips with it. And as the others have said, go for a 2.0 HDI Exclusive if you can. The ride is far better. As to the suspension, I have replaced 1 pump fuse in all of my hydraulic Citroens since 1989.
  8. I'm on my 3rd C5 Tourer, '05, '09 and now '62. The first and last were Exclusives, the 09 a VTR+. The latest is the best all rounder and superb value for money with the discounts available on-line. The first did 85K in my hands, the second 50k and the latest is on 8k. I have never had any engine problems with the 2.0l HDI. and the 160 version has bags of torque. The latest hydroactive with sport option gives a far better ride than the metal sprung VTR. And again, in 24 years of Citroens, '89 BX Pilot was the first, I've never had a suspension problem. I did have a lot of electronic problems with the '09 but they were all resolved under warranty eventually, and you need to grease the suspension arms on the rear of the hydro's, a well known foible unless they fixed it. I will know in another year or so. I looked at various alternatives but none came with the 'extras' included with the C5. At a little over £20k with black paint and glass roof, I considered it exceptional value. I am only concerned that this might be the last hydroactive model produced by Citroen. Incidentally I did look at the DS5 but was not impressed by the interior space or the boot access. It is superbly equipped but not big enough for my needs at this time.
  9. I had a similar problem on my 09 C5 2.0 hdi VTR Tourer. Under warranty the central brake balancing 'box' was replaced, and then again on a recall. It used to show all the warning lights and then mysteriously reset itself until the next time! After the second change it never reappeared.
  10. Front parking sensors were NOT standard on either my 09 VTR Tourer or my 62 Exclusive Tourer.
  11. I have been a long time visitor to this site and a (very) occasional contributor. I have just taken delivery of my 3rd C5 and 7th Citroen. After 2 Xantia Estates which gave very little trouble over 6 years I managed to write one off in the South of France but that's another story. My first C5 was an 05 Exclusive 2.0 hdi Estate. The only problems were the regular corrosion on the rear suspension arms and one wheel bearing. I moved it to my Son in 09. He has just moved it on with 90,000 on the clock and a replaced front drive shaft and a blown suspension pump fuse as the only other problems during his ownership. In 09 I bought a C5 Tourer, again a manual 2.0 hdi but this time a VTR. As with the previous car it was an ex-demo at a good price. In the first year it made 14 trips to my local Main Dealer! I think there were about 5 recall items plus window motors, heater blowers, ccu's, brake balancing units, etc. I swore I would never let another pass my door! After that period however it setlled down and has been faultless for the last 2 years. It drove well, was comfortable but I never took to the feel of the conventional suspension.It has now gone to my son with about 35,000 on. And then 4 weeks back I received my new C5 Exclusive Tourer, again a manual 2.0 hdi. This time a new deal through the web was a better bargain than trying to find a 'nearly' new one. It's brilliant. The suspension has improved again, the economy is looking good although I am still sort of running it in as old habits die hard but it is a much smoother dive and more relaxing experience altogether. If this is to be, as is rumoured, the last of the proper Citroen suspension vehicles it will be a real shame. I took it over to Boulogne (from Bath) for my regular 'cheese' gathering trip when it was just 2 weeks old. It was just like the old days with the Xantias and the first C5. Going back to the thread title, I still drop in about once a week. Over the years I've found hints and help here but generally speaking I have not had a lot of bother except with the 09 C5 which I think was an early model of the type. My Dealer, who incidentally did not sell me the car, was faultless. Everytime a loan car and all the coffee you could drink. They shared my frustrations but assured me that their experience with C5's was not as bad as mine. Citroen's plan to make it more attractive to Fleets with the conventional suspension hasn't really worked. I haven't seen any increase, in fact I think they only shifted about 1,500 in the UK last year. I did think about a DS5 but was disappointed with the internal space when I tried it and look at the discounts on that now! Still closer to a 4 than a 5 in size though. So perhaps it is a combination of better reliability and less of them that has meant things have gone quiet. I will still drop by to see what Coastline, JD, Randombloke and the others are up to, and if, heaven forbid, any issues arise with the 62 I'll look here first or let you know. Enjoy the peace and quiet and keep your fingers crossed.
  12. I have the same experience. A petrol BX, 2 Zantia SX Estates and a C5 Exclusive Estate, all HDi, over a period of 15 years with a Peugeot 405 Estate in between. No real problems just the usual consumables over 50 to 60 k each. I wanted an Exclusive new C5 but couldn't find a manual version so settled on a VTR. I have had Citroen Direct cars since the BX, about 6 months old with around 3 - 6 k. I do miss the ride but otherwise the new one drives well, goes well and is reasonably economical and comfortable. BUT the aforementioned warning light saga, a new fuse box, replacement heater unit, replaced central control unit, new window motor, 4 recalls already, and all before the first proper service! (I do a 12 months oil change and check up. 20 k is too long to leave it if you're only doing 10k a year.) My garage is a main dealer, are always helpful, always get a service loan car but it's like living with a time-bomb! Nothing is ever in stock. It's always 2 visits. I haven't had a car like this since a very duff Cavalier in the early '80's. My wife's Fiat Punto did 15 years with only servicing and consumables. Still on the original clutch. The replacement Panda has only been in for 1 interim service in the 2 years we've had it. I never wanted to believe the stories about Citroen but I am wondering......
  13. My 2009 C5 Tourer is the new shape. Never had any problems with my old 2005 C5 Estate except the tailgate window stopped working! I think they all did!!
  14. This happened to my 2009 C5 VTR 2.0 hdi Tourer just after I had it. It occurred 4 times in all but reset itself each time shortly after. My garage replaced a 'brake balancing device' and it has not recurred. Coincidentally I have today received a Recall Notice for replacement of a component in the 'braking assistance circuit vacuum pump' which could have been the same area.
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