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Everything posted by jimbobfruitbat

  1. I took this feed to the dealer, so they knew what I mean. They replaced the radio, only to find it still didn't have the Radio Text. They then "updated the configuration" (some kind of software update I presume) and hey presto the Radio-Text feature appeared. No doubt, they didn't really need to replace the radio the second time, and all that was needed was to update the config. Anyway, the advice is - if Citroen replace your radio, make sure that they update the software configuration when the replacement comes back! Cheers
  2. Now that's interesting - that's kind of what I expected to see. What I get, is the same biut minus the option to activate radio-text. I think I've been given a different radio!
  3. Just had the stereo replaced on my C4 VTR+ EGS - the one which plays MP3s. The CD player had packed in after 9 months, freezing CDs halfway through, and then refusing to eject them. Now, it's been replaced, but I have noticed that I can't appear to activate the function for radio text - by that I mean the text which scrolls along the display for each radio station (e.g. on BBC stations it displays the current program and what's coming up). I just wondered if it is just me who has forgotten how to activate it - or could it be that a different model stereo has been installed? It is still the one which plays MP3s, and everything else appears the same, just this one feature. Hardly the end of the world, but a bit annoying.
  4. Strangely enough, overnight it appeared to rectify itself! I'll get the dealer to check it anyway. Looks like I've got a self-healing C4!
  5. Opened the driver side door on my C4 Coupe today and unfortunately didn't realise how windy it is. The door hinge made a nasty creaking sound, though there is no visible damage. However, now, when I close the door, the latch doesn't click quite as quietly and easily. Normally, the door closes without a slam, but now, unless I push downwards on the door frame, it needs more effort to close. Anyone else had this happen? Would it be an easy adjustment for a dealer garage?
  6. Had my C4 Coupe for 8 months now, the rear spoiler creaks when going over bumps in the road. Had a look at it and it seems that it has come a bit loose, apparently it seems that it touches the rear light cluster a bit on the driver side. I seem to remember reading that this is common. Hopefully the dealer can fix this under warranty when it goes in for the 12000 mile service next week.
  7. The dealer I bought from fitted a Parrot bluetooth kit, as the car was already in the country when I bought it new and thus was too late for the factory-fit version. I can recommend it, although the voice-recognition isn't that great: http://www.parrot.biz/uk/products/ck3100-lcd Works fine with my Nokia.
  8. Got the Brodit Angled Mount for £41.50 new from an ebay seller. Nice and sturdy, not like those wobbly arms on suction pads!
  9. Took it in for the 1500 mile service, and the dealer fixed this. Also worth noting, I reset the fuel consumption counters after the service. Since then I've done about 100 miles and it is now reporting 47mpg. Nice to see they did actually bother to clean the car after the service - an essential minimum expectation if any garage wants to claim they give good customer service!
  10. Done 1600 in mine now. The computer was initially reading 44mpg, during the first few weeks, but about a week ago improved to 45.5mpg, so good to see things improving. I personally find that the EGS gearchanges are slightly less smooth than I manage on my manual Picasso. I find that it waits a bit too long to change to 2nd from 1st (so I often change up via the paddle anyway to get the earlier gearchange). In any case, fun to drive, and very pleased with the car. Gets its first checkup on Monday - only annoyance is a minor rattle on the passenger door.
  11. Well, that's the only solution. Better get paddling!
  12. ...which makes me wonder - why does the EGS gearbox on a diesel VTR+ still change down gear when going up a hill on a motorway, when it really doesn't need to? It looks to me like the EGS gearbox hasn't been tuned to accomodate the abilities of a diesel engine. Also has a habit of changing down to either 5th or 4th whenever I go to overtake, even though I'm sure the diesel engine would cope in the higher current gear.
  13. I can't decide between the "Angled Mount" and the "Angled Mount Low". Has any of you chosen one or the other? The Low version looks more solid.
  14. I am due to have a post-factory fit bluetooth system installed by the dealer on the Citroen stereo. I already have the 9706AG attached and working for an mp3 player - does this mean that the bluetooth kit may not potentially be able to be attached, or will I have to sacrifice the 9706AG connection?
  15. That may be expensive for a piece of plastic, but at least I'll know it fits properly. Thanks!
  16. Thanks for the links. Maybe beyond my budget but some of the Herbert Richter products are not too expensive. The PDA I have is a Dell Axim X3i. If there's a link specific to the C4 I'd be grateful if you could post it, as I couldn't find one which matched my exact requirements. Any concerns about vent mounts and overheating the PDA, or am I just worrying about nothing?
  17. I've got a Dell Axim PDA with TomTom installed plus a Bluetooth receiver, which I use in my Picasso for Satnav. I also need to use it in my new C4, but due to the fragility of the mount (which is a suction cup stuck to the windscreen with some blue-tack on the dashboard to hold it still) I can't transfer it to the C4. I therefore need to buy another PDA mount to stick in the C4. Now, I know these things tend to be fragile, and of varying quality, so I am looking to get something cheap via the web. So, I'm wondering if anyone else out there has done the same in a C4, and can recommend one. Even if I weren't to buy the same mount, it would be really useful to know what size or style people get (e.g. suction cup on the windscreen, how long the arm needs to be or do I just go with one of those on the air-vents - never too sure about them as I think they could overheat the PDA!). This is the kind of thing I am looking for (apologies for the link which will no doubt expire soon after the item goes!): http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/UNIVERSAL-CAR-PDA-MO...7QQcmdZViewItem
  18. My Creative Zen Vision M (the one which looks like the 30GB ipod) doesn't have any options to define profiles for headphones or line out. However, setting the equaliser frequencies all to max does help a bit!
  19. Is changing the headphone jack to Line Out something which is done with the connections behind the head unit, or is it part of the dealer's computer controlled settings on the unit? Sounds like a good idea, as I'd rather not have to turn up the volume on both stereo and mp3 player (makes for a rather nasty shock when I change it back to radio or CD!)
  20. I've just bought my C4 and had asked the dealer to install the said cable for connection to a Creative Zen Vision M mp3 player - it works perfectly. Bit late now as I can see you now have it working, but a note for others doing the same thing: I needed to turn up the volume on my mp3 player nearly all the way to max before I could hear it via the car stereo.
  21. Hours of fun... http://www.topgear.com/content/timetoburn/...age/pages/0505/
  22. No, you're right. They aren't. I stand corrected.
  23. Also: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-5984265.html Of course, these are nothing to do with the C4, and I bit off-topic I admit, but I'm just curious!
  24. Yes, a few Googlewacks seems to indicate the same thing to me, that it is the PowerPC chip which is found in cars. Motorola (or Freescale) seem to be fairly predominant: search in here: http://www.mdronline.com/publications/epw/...es/epw_146.html and: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/h...=02Wcbf&tid=FSH
  25. The reason I'm looking at the post-factory fit bluetooth is because I have asked for this feature to be bundled in the deal for a new car. I'm not quite sure what it looks like, as I've been told that it is both a bluetooth kit and also a "parrot squauker" and has a screen. None of this really clarifes to me what it actually is, but I guess so long as it gives me handsfree for my mobile then it acheives the goal.
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