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Everything posted by kelby

  1. WellI finally got my car on Friday, and I must say, I am totally pleased with the sunroof. Definately a good decision and after driving the demo car at the dealers which was already very light and spacious, The sunroof adds so much light to the inside of the car. I am so happy :) Kelby
  2. Same here, the distortion is only at the very bottom of the window. makes the white lines on the road all curvy :)
  3. Mmmm got my C3 on friday, and notice that the cd skipped after a while. could be the same fault. I guess it is worth mentioning. Also my radio did lose the presets, but I noticed it was on FM AST mode. this is the automatic tuning mode. changing it to FM1 allowed me to set my stations and they are still there :) press the wavy line (radio) button repeatedly until you see fm1 on the display. Kelby
  4. Ok, what is chipping? I understand it in the sense of a playstation :angry: but what does it do in a car?
  5. I have put a holding deposit on my C3 sx until my finance comes through. I've seen it, it has a sunroof, and is currently sat on the forecourt at my local Citroen dealer waiting for me. So does this mean I will be the only person in the UK with a sunroof?? Cool ;)
  6. kelby


    Hi, There is an accessories shop on the citroen website. Do they sell them in there?? Kelby Pending C3 SX 1.4 (with sunroof :( ) owner. Finance permitting ;)
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