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Everything posted by GreenBlood

  1. ...before attempting to dismantle the car try this, lock the car first with key, then unlock with key and whilst doing this simultaneously slap the back door under the rear handle, you may need an assistant. This has worked on many an early C5 (though not if the child lock has been engaged). :rolleyes: Cheers Chris
  2. The Power steering pump on the C5 uses LDS (Orange) from the same tank as the suspension, once fitted (to a C5) it should self prime (turn steering full lock in both directions and raise lower the car a couple of times), make sure you have some LDS to topup the tank. Don't overfill (the tank will preasurise and crack), level is checked with suspension set on LOW, the level should be just below the filler filter basket, only use LDS!!!! Cheers Chris
  3. I would say definately not, apart from the the Xantia being an engine driven pump and the C5 being an electric pump, they run different hydrualic fluids LHM(Greenblood) and LDS(Orangeblood)... Cheers Chris
  4. Take a look at this link, it shows pics of the access to the wiring harness, but deals with a common failure (at least here in Australia), yours might be showing early symptoms? http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=67307 Cheers Chris
  5. ...agree, this is also compounded when the original author of this thread posts twice in different areas, on the same day http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/index.php?showtopic=8353&pid=40803&st=0entry40803 and of course gets the same solution offered. Cheers Chris
  6. Hi again, I'm sure there are members here with more knowledge than I have, I'm just thinking things through with you... Did you depressuerise the system when you changed the hydraulic pump? See here for a PDF on correct procedure >>> http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showpost.php?p=804232&postcount=14 Is it possible you still have air in the system? Try moving suspension up/down up/down and turning steering full left/right a few times. Cheers Chris
  7. I'm just guessing here but, have you overfilled the LDS tank? Level is read with suspension set on LOW and fluid should just appear at the bottom of the filler filter. These tanks are under presure so overfilling can crack the tank or in your case may be blowing the return hose off? Just thinking out loud... Cheers Chris
  8. Graeme, This one has been covered here before, it is a common fault, read thorugh this thread on aussiefrogs http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62758 If you are handy with a soldering iron you can buy the Mosfet and fix your own unit for the cost of a few cold beers. Cheers Chris
  9. This question has also recently been asked on aussiefrogs, our cars might be slightly different as Citroen saw our conditions as being more likely to encounter dusty dirt roads etc. It would seem though that a filter was fitted apart from the one coastline indicates. Might be worth a look? http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79406 Cheers Chris
  10. Sounds like your radiator cooling fans are not cutting in? Cheers Chris
  11. A couple of searches reveal this info, hope it helps... <snip>To enter the number 0 the appropriate space should be "blank" (ie blank equals 0). Presumably you know that entering the code is not by pressing the 0 3 4 5 keys on your radio presets (as there isn't a 0 key), rather you press preset 1 and keep it down to change the first digit of the code (it should change from blank (0) all the way up to 9 and back to blank), then use no 2 preset radio button to do the same for the second digit of the code, no 3 preset for the third digit and no 4 preset for the fourth. </snip> <snip>The radio/cassette unit fitted as standard equipment by Citroen is equipped with a builtin security code, to deter thieves. If the power source to the unit is cut, the anti-theft system will activate. Even if the power source is immediately reconnected, the radio/cassette unit will not function until the correct security code has been entered. Therefore, if you do not know the correct security code for the radio/cassette unit do not disconnect either of the battery terminals, or remove the radio/cassette unit from the vehicle. To enter the security code, first switch the unit on; the display will show "Cod". The security code can then be entered using buttons 1 to 4 on the unit; each button alters the corresponding digit of the code. Note: There is no facility on the radio display to show the number 0 for the first digit of the security code. For the first digit, 0 is indicated by a blank. Once the correct code is displayed, press the "up" section of the four-way tuning button to enter the code. If an incorrect code is entered, the display will show three dashes, after which the radio will be locked for 10 seconds. On the first two attempts, after 10 seconds the radio display will show the "Cod" prompt again, and allow you to enter the security code again. However, if the correct security code is not entered on the third attempt, the unit will be locked for 1 hour. To make any further attempts, the unit must be switched on and left untouched for approximately 1 hour before the display shows the "Cod" prompt again, and allows you to re-enter the security code. Note that after twenty attempts, the unit will become permanently locked. If this happens, or if the security code is lost or forgotten, seek the advice of your Citroen dealer. On presentation of proof of ownership, a Citroen dealer will be able to unlock the unit and provide you with a new security code.</snip> Edit: Also try here as once the code is entered it needs to be saved, different method for different headunits!! http://www.radio-code.co.uk/post_in_radio_code_model_selection.php?m=Blaupunkt&search=citroen&Submit=Search Cheers Chris
  12. Hi John, I spoke with our local Citroen spare parts centre today, a new sensor is $128.0AUD and a three week wait from France, he reckons in the six years he has worked for Citroen he has never sold or heard of a failed sensor. We don't have anything like the access to used parts that you guys do, we tend to hang on to our cars, no annual MOT in most states, (there is an upside and a downside of course). As I said I'll have another look this weekend, just odd that it showed after I had dowsed with the garden hose? Cheers Chris
  13. Problem persists, I'll drain the filter again this weekend and remove and clean the sensor and conector with WD40 and compressed air, see how that goes. I checked with Service Citroen and came up with this diagram of our car (2002 HDi - Australian import). The lower sensor (item 6 in the diagram) is in fact the water sensor. http://www.aussiefrogs.com/~upload/152/1273542300.jpg Cheers Chris
  14. Just a bit of an update, after sitting over night the warning message came up again, I guess (if I presume now that there is water in the fuel tank) that the water has settled to the bottom of the tank and is pumped up to the filter and detectcted by the sensor. Family over today so I'm not allowed to crawl under the car... :unsure: Anyone know of an additive that may help disperse the water until the next fill? Cheers Chris
  15. I guess that's where I'm at, I've only drained the filter to check for water (twice) and didn't detect any. In the process I removed and cleaned all contacts in the immediate vicinity. Close of the day yesterday I appear to have resolved the problem. Mother's day here today, if I get a chance I'll give the car a decent run to confirm. Is there a drain for the fuel tank? Could be worth a look? Another Aussiefrog member has the same symptoms and filled with the same brand of diesel at about the same time. Thanks for your help, I'm curious as to why your cars don't have the second sensor, In Australia there would be very few occasions where we would need a heater for the fuel (I presume one sensor is for a fuel heater and the other detects water in fuel?). Cheers Chris
  16. Thanks John, my thoughts too, we now have another Aussiefrog member with the same symptom, filled at a BP service station at around the same time we did. Could well be a bad batch of fuel? Do you know which of the two connecters is the water sensor? Cheers Chris
  17. Hi guys, Anyone care to comment on this one http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showthrea...8086#post798086 Might be easier to reply here rather than register and login on Aussiefrogs, am I right in that the sensor is attatched to the brown connector in the pic I posted? Having drained the filter bowl via the drain knob at the bottom, do I now need to get the fault cleared at a Citroen service centre or perhaps by disconecting the battery. Or do I need to replace the filter and or sensor? http://www.aussiefrogs.com/~upload/152/1273284580.jpg Cheers Chris
  18. Tony, have a good look at your crankshaft pulley, they are a two part setup metal centre/ rubber and metal outer. These can separate over time giving the early symptoms you describe. Cheers Chris
  19. I had just about given up... checked this morning and whoohoo good to be back online with you guys :lol: Cheers Chris
  20. Check this link, the info was actually supplied by one of your forum members. As I understand it in Australia we can now get a kit to fix the motor cog, though still have not had to do this job myself. http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showthread.php?p=783455 Cheers Chris
  21. Speaking of dirty, that pic threw up a pop-up live girly chat site on my computer, not good in the office!!! Cheers Chris
  22. Have a look here >>> http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=67307 Edit ** oops, just re-read your post and you have already visited the thread I pointed to... Cheers Chris
  23. Not sure about a 2005 model, but on our 2002 this was the procedure... http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=64067 The pics help in knowing what you are feeling for, next time I would have a go without removing the bumper :) Cheers Chris
  24. This is a good reference when changing oil on the AL4 http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62725 Cheers Chris
  25. Sounds familiar, check the crankshaft pulley? Cheers Chris
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