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Everything posted by ronat

  1. Have just been in to Citroen dealer,who quickly fixed it (FOC). They told me that it was in a menu setting (which I had no idea about),and that I must have accidentally changed it.This part wasnt the case,however,as it happened while I was driving. I havn't checked yet which part of the menu alters this setting,as I have decided to leave well alone until or if the problem re-appears.
  2. I find the same problem.Also,when it became unavailable,I deleted it from favourites.However,when I now try to add now,it does not appear in favourites.
  3. I havn't been able to get on until very recently either.
  4. No,I havn't changed anything, but assumed it would not have a fuse of it's own.
  5. I have a 2008 C5,and the digital speedo has stopped working.The analogue speedo,and everything else seems to be fine (with the fairly normal occasional display gliches)I first noticed it after I had to sound my horn,but am unsure whether this is a relavent fact. Has anyone else had this problem,and if so how was it solved?
  6. I would agree on the complexity,but I must say that my previous three cars,Xantia 2.0 SX (2 years)Xantia 2.0HDI (5years)and Peugeot 607 2.0HDI(5years),were all fairly problem free,and my only real costs were for tyres.My present C5,(2.0HDI Exclusive)has more technology than the rest,so we will wait and see.As I said in my previous post,I am very pleased with it,and although I would never buy a new car,this certainly makes a lot of sense as a used buy.(A good bit less than half price at 2 years old.)
  7. I have had mine (2.0 HDI Exclusive 08) for about nine months,and the only one of your faults that I have had,are the immovable dust caps. It has done 18000 miles,and the brake pads are still perfect. Mine has the leather seats with the massage option, and they are certainly as comfortable as any I have had. Last year I motored to Spain, and never felt tired or uncomfortable for the whole journey. It might not be perfect,but I am certainly very happy with it.
  8. They are just ordinary black plastic dustcaps,that have also defeated the garage.I have been driving for almost fifty years, and have never come across this problem before. I've had them a bit tight before,but never impossible to budge.
  9. I recently had similar problem on my 08 Exclusive.Got a puncture warning,but dust cap wouldn't budge.Tried various things without success,and finally managed it with a set of mole grips. Luckily I was able to pump up tyre,but was unable to budge the other caps. When it was in garage for service, they said they had been unable to check tyres because of this, and they told me that corrosion was the problem ( Ithought someone had superglued them ). I have so far done nothing about this , as I am afraid of damage , but will have to bite the bullet soon , as I can't take the risk of something happening to a tyre. I thought it was just a problem on my car due to our beautiful Winter weather, but obviously it must be something that they are prone to.
  10. I have an 08 2.0HDI Exclusive,and have just had the same thing happen.I got two warning beeps,with no information about it on-screen,then the screen went blank for a few seconds,with radio off,and then it re-started and went back to normal. I recently had another incident which might or might not be related, in that I left the car ticking over and left for a few minutes. When I got back in, everything seemed to have returned to the default settings ie. seat memory,air con etc. That has only happened once, but I assume it is some sort of computer glitch.Love the car,by the way. :)
  11. I have a 2008 C5 with Navi-Drive,and cannot find out how to play tracks on the jukebox.I have burned 3 CDs into the jukebox,and the details recognise them.However,the mode does not bring up the jukebox facility,and I can't find out how to play them.The handbook is annoyingly vague,and just says that they are automatically recognised.Can anyone offer an explanation please? Have just had a closer look at the book and the controls,and have realised that the source button is the long rectangular one above the dial that I was using :angry:
  12. I have done a deal on the car,and pick it up on the 1st of the month.It is the exclusive model,and has a host of extras,including the nav/media pack,and the leather massage seats.Had a quick tot-up of the new price,and if you were paying the full price,(does anybody?)then it would be around 28 grand.I have never bought a new car in my life,and this certainly shows why.(I am paying a good bit less than half of that.)
  13. Many thanks for reply.I was very impressed with the car that I am considering,and it is useful to hear your comments.
  14. I have had two Xantias,a 93 sx petrol,and a 1999 Exclusive HDI,and kept them both for a few years of fairly trouble-free motoring.I then got my present car,a Peugeot 607 2.2 HDI,which have had for five years,and it is still giving me no trouble.I am pretty sure that this good luck can't continue,and am considering changing it before anything expensive happens.I am seriously looking at a C5 Exclusive,08,and wonder if they are as good as they say.The main thing I am now looking for is comfort,and that was one thing that was really excellent in my Xantia.Any advice?
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