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Everything posted by joelmb

  1. Hi guys. I have an fm transmitter in the power socket (i.e near the handbrake, not the cigarette lighter) but as this socket is always on im worried it will drain the battery if i forgot to pull it out (which is a pain anyway). I've read the cigarette lighter near the ashtray is on with ignition only so this would work, except it's too deep for most devices to plug into in my experience. So what i want to know is how i can swap it so that the power socket is only on when igntion is on. I'd prefer not to go cutting and rewiring really so wondered if there was a simpler solution at fuse box such as perhaps just swapping wires? (As a noob im obviously not going to go fiddling without expert guidance of course!) I read somewhere else about swapping the cig lighter out and making that the usable power out socket which would also work i guess. it isnt really a massive deal, perhaps even the fm transmitter's usage isnt even sufficient to run the battery down, i dont know. if its a rewiring job needed ill just have to live with it i guess!
  2. TYhanks for useful replies guys. Today now the Stop light is goin off, mostly, but I'm getting the engine and Service lights now with "Anti-pollution fault" so I#m guessing that's what the stop lamp problem was trying to tell me or at least was related. What needs doing with antipollution fault?? the filters have been changed already, pollen filter cleaned as was fuelk filter recently too at least so mechanic says (he serviced the car for the owner before me too)
  3. £15 spent in halfords buying / having the headlight bulb changed is much better than reading all the instructions from someone who has already struggled in the cold with greasy fingers for two hours to change the headlight bulb, and then struggling yourself in the cold with greasy fingers for a further two hours. That's my tip.
  4. hi guys. 2004 HDi Citroen C5 Diesel Auto Estate LX. Previous to today, putting key into ignition, turn on power but not engine, all the dash lamps come on running through checks, then would extinguish including the red STOP light which would also go out then I would then turn on engine. I figured this was like a 'wait a second dont turn on yet' as there is no diesel coils lamp on my c5. After a service today, STOP light, Engine management light and Service light now remain lit until engine is turned on where upon they go out and stay out. I pointed this out to tyhe mechanic who didnt know anything about it 'going out before turning engine on' as described above. He said he'd try checking with Citroen as will I but thought Id ask here too. He also performed the manual service spanner lamp procedure which extinguished that but the STOP, EM and Service lights still stay on until engine turned on. Is it a problem? Didnt notice any problem driving home but want to check! EDIT: Just tried car now after its sat for a good hour and cooled down and STOP light now going out before turning engine on - its like there's a servo motor going for a 5 seconds which makes me think its the suspension adjusting? doesnt explain why it wasnt going out earlier however!
  5. Bought 2004 C5 recently but cannot find when it was last serviced. It's done 35k and the spanner lamp is lit when turning on ignition - does this means its due as far as the ecu is concerned? Also says '100' next to it; what does this figure mean? Also, whats an average service cost likely to be? (assuming nothing major needs repairing, crossed fingers)
  6. its got all those you mention but doesnt have vtr written near back windows as you mention. but i guess as log book says vtr and it has that lot, thats what it is.
  7. Checked on log book, vtr. i thought it had a gear stick but it turned out to be the handbrake ;) (joke) yes i knew it was automatic, so they got that part right but not the lx. So I take it LX and VTR are different derivatives right? so guess I need to tell insurance co. its wrong in case they use it as an excuse not to pay out if i had to make a claim in future!
  8. i know sounds like a weird question but on insuring my new C5, entering the registration, one insurance company said it was 2004 Citroen C5 VTR Hdi 110, 1997CC Diesel, 5DR, Manual but the insurer I went with list it as 2.0HDi 110 LX Auto. How can I tell?
  9. Hi all. I'm new here, and a very pleased new owner of a C5 2004 vtr auto estate :) One question though, which I guess isn't specific to C5's; what might be causing brake squeak? It's constant when braking in town driving most noticeable say pulling up at lights, though braking seems efficient enough, its annoying! There's a spanner symbol on the central screen which I assume means its due a service (?) which I guess would get it looked at but thought I'd ask...
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