Just bought Eolys liquid to top up tank. Came in 1 litre bottles each with 1 bottle of liquid, 1 empty bottle (for spent liquid), 2 hooks, 2 off what look like braided nylon, 1 filling hose and 1 fat hose about 20 cm long. Some people have spoken of 5 litre kits - I wasn't offered this. Each 1 litre kit cost £29.29! The bottle of liquid and filling hose are self explanatory. What are the other bits for? The bottle containing the liquid doesn't feel very squeezy so how does the liquid get out of the bottle. Perhaps the hooks and the braided nylon are to suspend the bottle while gravity does is work. Any ideas on this might be done? The filling hole, I think, sits on the side of the tank just above the aluminium shields and has what appears to be a push fit cap to seal it. Is this correct? I couldn't find any outlet to empty the tank and how does it get "spent" since its only purpose seems to be to get squirted into the exhaust system. It seems a waste to throw away stuff that costs more than a half decent brandy.