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Everything posted by PICASSOCONVERT

  1. The message about the diesel filter may mean that the particulate filter needs changing, together with the aeolus fluid (think that's how you spell it). It was explained to me that this is the bit of kit that lowers the temperature at which the diesel particulates (smoke to you and me) burn by adding some of the fluid to the fuel each time you fill up. Mine needed changing at 75,000 miles as I run to almost empty and put a tankful in each time. The garage said it could have needed doing any time after 50,000 miles. Not a cheap job - mine was £450 - and my independent Citroen man who is usually very good said it was a job he couldn't do.
  2. I got into my C5 (2.2HDi estate) one dark evening after work and no headlights. Drove home on the driving lights. Next day I phoned the Citroen dealer who said it would probably be 2 blown bulbs - "not uncommon for one to take the other out". So, two new bulbs fitted and lights back on. The kind Citroen dealer would have supplied and fitted a pair of bulbs for just over £100 plus VAT - and that was about 2004! Mind you, changing the bulbs is not easy - you need 12", triple-jointed fingers and armour-plated skin. Good luck.
  3. Thank you all for your replies. Much appreciated.
  4. A morning spent fiddling and I can now answer my own questions. First off, the red lens can be separated from the black plastic body by carefully inserting a thin knife blade between the lens and the body. The lens has 8 rectangular holes (4 top and 4 bottom) which locate on 8 lugs on the inside of the black plastic housing. A bit fiddly and probably a risk of cracking the red lens, but can be done. Second, the polarity is marked on the printed circuit board. Thirdly, there appear to be 4 off 5ohm (light greenish in colour) resistors and 1 off 150 ohm resistor (in the centre), but my measurements may be a bit hit and miss as my multimeter only cost £3.99! Sure enough one of the resistors has crumbled away, despite there being no sign of water ingress in the light. Now off to find some new resistors - may as well replace them all while I've got the light in bits.
  5. I have just reconnected the front passenger door electric window on my son's 2001 C5 2.2HDi SX estate and noticed that there appeared to be an unused pair of wires with a white connector on the end just hanging loose in the door. Does anyone know if they should be connected anywhere on the SX model, because we couldn't see an unused socket anywhere in the door? The window/mirror/temperature sensor/central locking are now working fine. Thanks for any information.
  6. atti Just saw your post and hope the following might help. Several years ago, I once had the problem on my C5 estate (2001 2.2HDi SX) that when I switched the wipers on the front passenger door window just opened and stayed open. I stoppped the car, switched off and restarted it after a couple of minuites and all was well. However, last year my son (who now has the car) had the same problem and it wouldn't go away. Our local Citroen service centre gave me the following instructions to "re-set everythng": Re-set routine 1 Ignition on 2 Disconnect battery 3 Leave disconnected for 2 minutes 4 Ignition off 5 Reconnect battery 6 Sit in car 7 Shut door 8 Ignition on 9 In 10 seconds hold lock position 10 After 5 seconds release 11 Ignition off 12 Key out of ignition 13 Get out and lock/unlock door We haven't tried this ourselves because, having had the window disconnected for about 6 months, when I re-connected the window on Saturday the problem seemed to have gone away. Hope this helps.
  7. Allan's C5, thank you for your helpful post on this topic. I removed the high level brake light from my son's 51 reg estate easily following your instructions yesterday and confirmed that 12 volts was reaching the connector. However, I just cannot see how to dis-assemble the light unit, to check/replace the resistors as you suggest, as it appears to be a sealed unit. Any guidance on this would be much appreciated. Also, as I have returned home and so do not have the car to hand, do you know if the light unit is damaged if the polarity is reversed, as I didn't have my voltmeter with me to check which leads were +ve and -ve yesterday. Thanks in advance for any help.
  8. I wonder if anyone has now found a solution to this problem? My 2001 2.2HDi Estate suffered this problem once at about 3 years old - cure then was just to stop on the hard shoulder, switch everything off, wait a couple of minutes and set off again. The problem never happened to me again. My son now has the car and the problem has just re-occurred. Put the wipers on and the nearside front window goes down. The Citroen garage my son has used don't seem able to fix it, neither can his local independent Citroen garage.
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