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Everything posted by AlanFC

  1. AlanFC

    Ecu Beware!

    You very funny guy,............................I kill you last!
  2. AlanFC

    Ecu Beware!

    Sheesh kebab! Your not anywhere near Arbroath are you? Took wifes C3 disel in, diagnosed with a faulty no 1 fuel injecto, around £300! only 50K, shell fuel always, what a croc. He had a 2.oHDi Pic in wirh.....a faulty ECU after only 70K miles, around £900 to replace on a car wortha round £4K! I'm afraid its gonna have to be Toyotas from now on.
  3. Well, according to diagnostics, the problem is a faulty no 1 fuel injector. Car has to be with the gagrage for 2 days, and I, m not going to see much change out of £300! On top of the two droplink bars that needed replacing. Only 50,000 careful miles, only ever put Shell diesel and serviced by the book. What is the point? Cars have come down so much in price and labour and parts have gone up so much, it seems the sensible thing to do is to buy your new car (any car) drive it until the warranty runs out, bin it and buy a new one and don't worry about spending money on it or mollycoddling it during its warranty, cheapest oil/fuel etc. forget the fuel additives etc. because at the end of three years you are going to punt it anyway. Unless of course it is a Toyota, shame about their quirky styling and generally anodyne motoring experience, but at least you will actually be motoring, which after all is the point of buying a car! PS as if further to back up my statement above, the garage also had a Picasso 2.0 Hdi diesel in which needed a new ECU, after only 70,000 miles! Cost around £900, not bad for a car probably only worth £4 -5K!
  4. No, it doesn't make a chuffing noise, but I am. Chuffin 'eck! Only ever use Shell diesel fuel in it.
  5. From my experience of Citroen dealers, I would never use them once the warranty has run out. Typically, the workshop idsfull of YTS or whatever it is these days, trainees, with very little supervision. At least if you take it to an independent, owner owned outfit, the guys seem to know exactly what they are on about.
  6. All of a sudden my C3 is a pig to start. Symptoms are as if the choke on a petrol car doesn't work. (03 plate, 50K miles) After eventually starting, clouds of smoke and then noisy roughish running. Cant risk junctions when cold as it sometimes cuts out. Its OK when its warmed up but still doesn't sound as quiet as it should. Any ideas on this please?
  7. Does it matter what oil cars use? If you take it in for a service, god knows what cheap rubbish they stick into it, even though thay'll charge you for the most expensive oil that you specify. Remember that to many garages your car is a cash cow.
  8. Owned our C3 for 2.5 years now and in that time (among a host of other problems) we have had the headlight units replaced on a regular basis (under warranty)due to the condensation build up inside them. Probably 4 times. Hate to think how much this will cost when the car is out of warranty. Any one else had this problem? Bizarre, when submitting post, gotan smtp error page saying password not recognised hence duplicate post...one for the techs
  9. Owned our C3 for 2.5 years now and in that time (among a host of other problems) we have had the headlight units replaced on a regular basis (under warranty)due to the condensation build up inside them. Probably 4 times. Hate to think how much this will cost when the car is out of warranty. Any one else had this problem?
  10. Hi , Arrows is your car still quiet? See my latest post. numerous visits, problem still apparent!!!! if the cure was permanment, please give details. Many thanks
  11. See my latest post......has anyone ever had this problem cured permanently?
  12. I was wondering........has anyone ever got this creaking/rattling/knocking noise form B-pillar area cured? I ask because after numerous trips to the dealer to sort it out, the fix seems to last for a few days and then its back again just as vigourously as before. It is really annoying!!!
  13. 'ang on Stephen, have I got this right? The dealer you bought your car from normally charges £16 for a courtesy car!!? I remain incredulous if that is the case. regards AlanFC
  14. Porky, I'm not sure I would consider what you're describing as a fault. I 've had 'farsands' of cars and have yet to have an accurate fuel gauge on any of them. I think it's best to treat it as a guide rather than an absolute indication. BUT, the mad oil level gauge, I would class that as a fault, sometimes its on 2 marks, then its on 4, others its on 6 and flashing (consult your dealer it says in the book-he would have to live with me in that case!)) THis is unaffected by slope etc. It has simply gone MAD! Regards, AlanFC
  15. Toblerone, Cant recommend the C3 1.4 desire specifically but depends on how you intend to use the car whether you should buy a diesel or a petrol etc. etc. The C3 itself is a decent motor IMO , Plenty of room (think depth not length). Our 1.4HDi 16v has a turbo and intercooler, Discs all round puts out 92 BHP, (more then my Picasso!) and almost runs on air-65-70mpg! If you do a lot of miles dont be put off buying a diesel cos 'Its a diesel' It is a real little firecracker. The 70hp HDi is reputedly no slouch either and gives the same mpg. Regards, AlanFC
  16. Yeah Mark, I bet that Citroen will indeed be familiar with this fault, just don't expect them to admit to it though! It will be interesting to hear their response. Regards, AlanFC
  17. Toblerone, do you mean that whenever you stopped, you did not put the handbrake on everytime and the examiner still passed you? Or have I misunderstood? Regards, AlanFC
  18. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one, Oliver, I believe you are spot on with your diagnosis. Sellotaped the 2 plastic buttons from the speedo and the racket was still there. Thanks for that, another one for the delaer to sort out along with re-centreing the steering wheel after they fixed the non-cancelling indicator problem. Ho-hum, one step forward, two steps back! Pride in your work, thats all I'm asking! Regards, AlanFC
  19. test
  20. It only happened the once on my C3, Stalled it, started it and lost power steering. Pulled in up the road turned engine off, waited a few mins, started the car again and it returned, no probs since (2,000 miles). I don't know whether your driving technique had anything to do with it but, I remember when I took driving lessons, I was given a gentle dig in the ribs whenever I forgot to put the handbrake on whenever I stopped. Techniques may have changed since then but I would think you may be causing unneccesary wear and tear on your clutch using this technique (they are not cheap to change). Did you pass your test using this method, Or is it a habit which has developed over time? Regards, AlanFC
  21. Is it just me or does the continual low frequency rattle of the two plastic buttons protruding from the speedo get on your twin peaks!!? If so, is there a cure? Regards, AlanFC
  22. Try a search on the Citroen Picasso website, I remember seeing tons of stuff on the subject. Regards, AlanFC
  23. My dealer supplied one for £35, I suppose if you really wanted to push it, just get a copy of the advertised spec. at the time you bought the car (mine states categorically that it comes with a moduboard) and then insist that they supply one free (the one that you've already paid for that is when you bought the car without it, if you get my drift.) If they wont give you one gratis, free and for nothing just mention that you'll speak to trading standards ref your position. It is an offence to advertise something if you have no intention of supplying it. I felt a bit guilty insisting on one as I'd pared the price of the car to the bone almost (£8995) C3 HDi 16v, SX, Black, delivered in days. Yeah, I know I'm a soft touch. Regards, AlanFC
  24. AlanFC

    My C3

    Hiya madman, I'm glad to say that your comments on HJ helped me to make the decision to buy my C3 HDi SX 16v and I am very pleased with it, Thanks. Go easy on Pork Pie though, he has had a real ***oops*** time of it and has posted his problems, no doubt as a cathartic measure but also to help or find others who may have the same problem to benefit from his experiences. If I develop similar symptoms as his C3 the first thing I'll have checked is the clutch switch which hopefully will cure it. Therefore no more pain thanks to Porkies experiences, thanks Porky and long may you enjoy the fruits of your frustrations!! Regards, AlanFC PS There are whinges and there are legitimate complaints, it's important to distinguish between the two.
  25. Ares, no I dont own a C5, I have a Picasso HDi and a C3 HDi 16v, They are great motors in my opinion, their versatility means that you get at least two cars in one. I had a 1.8 LX C5 saloon as a courtesy car for a weekend, I couldn't criticise it but it would not suit me. I have heard that the C5 2.2Hdi estate is an excellent all rounder but I dont have any personal experience of it. Try www.carsurvey.org to see if any owners have posted reviews. Pork Pies post illustrates the nepotism which goes on in the world of cars, I beleive once that the Punto was European car of the year! Yes a Fiat Punto! An unmitigated piece of carp (sorry, I,m dyslexic) in most peoples opinion! Good luck, AlanFC Porky, I'm glad you have your C3 sorted now, do I detect a hint of a smile creeping in, or is it just wind?
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