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Everything posted by AlanFC

  1. Hi Ares, I would suggest that it's a case of you pay your money, you make your choice. The cost of a C5 compared to the other marques is probably much cheaper so there has to be some quality control shortcuts I feel. That said, I understand that VW are having an issue with quality too. I also suggest that you ignore any road test reports on any car and test drive all the cars on your list and see which one YOU like best. An example: Looked at Honda Jazz all the reports say excellent car but ride could be better. I roadtested one, the ride was truly appalling could never live with it although judging by sales figures, many can. Unlike motoring journalists, I dont have to sleep in the same bed as any car maker.....so I can tell the truth. Regards, AlanFC
  2. I reckon its about 0.75litres in 1,000 miles. The vibration is enough to blur vision in the rear view mirror. Its not as if the car is shaking itself to pieces or anything but its definetly noticeable. Its not leaking oil as far as I can see. I have noticed that the oil level indicator is mad. Sometimes it registers all six segments flashing (ie. overful). Next it registers two segments, then four then six. If I remember Mooseshaver had a problem with his also. If you are out there in 'C3 land' , was yours the same problem? Regards, AlanFC
  3. Sounds pretty cool but I always drive with my headlights on come rain or shine, night (obviously) and day. The road is full of distracted drivers and anything I can do to make myself stand out gets my vote. (and its free). Regards, AlanFC
  4. Tony, You mentioned the windows steaming up. Do you have aircon, if so leave it on all the time as I do and you wont have a problem. Citroen in general have a crap ventilation setup. The C3 16v HDi is the same as our PIcasso HDi: You either have hot air everywhere or cold air everywhere. You cant have say warm air to your feet and cold air on your face. (unless you open the windows) like you could in my old Rover and Vauxhall. But give Citroen a chance , I mean, they've only been making cars for 100 years! I'm glad I'm not the only one whose C3 vibates when passing thru' 2500rpm. Is your an HDi 16v too? Regards, AlanFC
  5. Blimey mate, I bet you dont know whether to laugh or cry. If its any consolation, I think that all makes have the same problems. The lack of knowledge at Vauxhall dealerships (or can't be arsed attitude, they get paid on time not whether they actually fix the problem) when I had problems with a heap of crap they call a Vectra is jaw dropping. The C3 16v HDi is a great car (when its running) After 1,000 miles the novelty still hasn't worn off (and I HATE driving!). If I was in your shoes, now that its finally been sorted, I would keep it. As for the inexcusable ineptitiude and attitude of your dealer..........I would take the ***oops*** to the small claims court and sue the ***oops***, I think you have enough evidence. But you probably have had enough hassle to last you this lifetime. If they don't give you what you want, threaten to take them to court.
  6. Has anyone noticed excessive oil consumption whilst running in a HDI 16v C3? Also when accelerating through 2,500 rpm or so car starts to vibrate such that rear view mirror is all blurred and it sounds a little rough (the engine not the mirror!). Does this happen to all C3 Hdi 16v or am I just lucky? This is not a moan , merely an observation (at the moment). Regards, AlanFC
  7. Porky, Glad that Trading standards Slough are getting in on the act. Sounds like you need as much help as you can get. Best of luck. Regards, AlanFC
  8. Honestjohn reckons Shell and Texaco is the best diesel fuel. We use shell in our PIcasso HDi and C3 HDi 16v and get slightly more mpg than other brands. These clever diesel fuel pumps cost around £1,500+ to replace. If HJ says this fuel is the best then damn the expense of a few extra pennies, thats what theyr'e going to have! Regards, AlanFC
  9. Porky, Have you spoken to trading standards, have you spoken to Alan Bunstead, the Trading Standards dude who is responsible for Citroen complaints at Slough? If so what is the result, If you haven't than I suggest you might like to expend your energy doing so because your car sounds like such a crock you need to get it sorted one way or another. Unfortunately we can't help you much. Please let us know how you get on with trading standards. Regards, Alan
  10. IMW, I opened up your post with trepidation, phew! I'm so glad that all is going well, our C3 hdi 16v has nearly 200miles now and is a great car,long may it remain so. As you may have seen from another thread I too tested loads of cars but as a combined package taking into account everything and the willingness of my dealer to accept my offer. I'm well happy. Happy motoring, AlanFC Yes the moduboard is worth it, much more so than the trolley included in my Picasso
  11. MY C3 Hdi 16v SX stalled at the lights and I lost my power steering after I restarted. Pulled in further up the road, turned engine off for a few minutes, restarted and power steering resumed. Anyone shed any ideas (50 miles old!)? Spooky eh? Regards, AlanFC
  12. Just picked up my 1.4 HDi16v SX yesterday and already clocked 120 miles, I wonder when the novelty will wear off!!? Regards, AlanFC
  13. Well this is interesting. I've clocked about 50 miles on the car and managed to stall it at the lights, on starting it again I lost my power steering so I pulled over after a few hundred yards, Switched the engine off for a few minutes, restarted it and power steering resumed! Can anyone shed any ideas? Regards, AlanFC
  14. What sort of C3, 1.1,1.4, 1.4 HDi, 1.4 HDi 16v? It would make your posts more meaningful guys if you quote your engine spec as well as your body spec. Regards, AlanFC
  15. AlanFC


    Just picked up my C3 Hdi 16v SX, ordered on March 31st. (£8995 OTR inc. Black Paint) No moduboard, but the dealer flogged me one for £35. Can't understand why dealers are refusing to sell them to you. Don't they want your cash!!?? Regards, AlanFC
  16. Well picked up my GLW's new C3 SX 16v HDi in Black. It looks well wicked and has 2 bhp more than my Picasso!! It goes like a train. I think I got a very good deal £8995 OTR from my local dealer who was happy to negotiate. (Belmont, Dundee). I only hope I don't have the aggro that Giles, Mooseshaver and Pork Pie are having (hope you reach a satisfactory conclusion soon guys). I hope this is not an omen but the indicators do not self-cancel after turning right. The dealers seem good (I bought my Picasso from them new last October) and I'm confident it will be sorted at the 1,500 mile check. What sort of REAL LIFE mpg figures can I expect? The quoted figures seem quite optimistic. I tested a lot of motors before choosing this. The Honda Jazz's ride quality was nothing short of atrocious, impossible to live with. It would have worn your teeth down in no time, shame really 'cos everything else about it was good. The Toyota Yaris diesel was very nice and refined but with absolutey zero luggage space and comfort wise came nowhere near the C3's rather plush interior. Truthfully I found the design a little too quirky. The Hyundai Getz did not seem to benefit from 20 years of car design if you get my meaning. It just seemed prety flimsy and utilitarian. If only the car was as attractive as its 5 year warranty. The Skoda Fabia was a very nice drive but the interior seemed pretty basic and the controls seemed very fragile. The seats were a bit on the hard side. The styling was bland both inside and out. So it came down to the C3. The design is definetly of the times. Combining practicality with style. The ride quality is not bad at all - the HDi 16v has 15 inch wheels. The boot is a useful size. The rear legroom is better than my Picasso in that on the C3 your feet can slide beneath the front seats. The performance in terms of oomph is the best of all the superminis I tested and the (quoted) mpg does not suffer either. Shame about the interior plastics ( I wonder how many chickens they had to slaughter). Only other gripe is that the power steering is ever so light compared with anything I've ever driven. I suspect this might be detrimental in high cross winds? I do hope that I'll still be singing its praises in a few thousand miles. (Its only done 44 miles!) If it starts playing up then its a case of three strikes then out! Back to the dealer for refund or replacement no fartassing around! ( Good old Trading Standards) Regards, AlanFC PS. Honestly, it is my wifes car!
  17. Pork Pie, Why are you putting up with so much grief? If it doesn't do what it says on the tin reject it and get a replacement or your money back. Citroens have a 3 yr g'tee. Contact trading standards. Even better if you used a credit card for any part over £100 get ,em in on the act too! Regards, AlanFC
  18. Maiden, Do not take any sh1t from these R. Soles. On the 31st March there was a major amendment to The Sale of Goods Act. Which, in a nutshell means that if there is any problem with faulty goods, you are entitled by law to reject them and demand refund or replacement! If they disagree that there is a problem, the onus is incontravertibly theirs to prove there isn't a problem. The onus is no longer with the purchaser. I also think that the law is retrospective 6 months prior to that date. Contact your local Trading Standards Office. It is their problem, don't make the mistake of letting it become your problem. You do not want to end up with a Lemon and further down the line be in the position of Giles, Mooseshaver and Pork Pie. Regards, AlanFC
  19. AlanFC


    I had a similar problem with a Peugeot. I checked to ensure all the tyre pressures were correct and still had the problem. I then decided to try swapping the front wheels (with tyres) offside/nearside...and miraclously the problem was cured! You never know....HTH. Regards, AlanFC
  20. Guys, sorry to hear about all the aggro you've been having. You may have already tried this but could your problems be solved by perhaps trying a quality diesel fuel like Shell or Texaco? I use it in my Picasso Hdi and will use it in my new C3 16v Hdi. My Pic runs really sweet with it and noticeably different if I run it on supermarket crap etc. Just a thought. Regards, AlanFC
  21. Cromicross, is yours the 8v 70 BHP Hdi or the 16v 92 BHP? Regards, AlanFC
  22. Errr scary stuff Mooseshaver. hope my new C3 Hdi 92hp is not a Friday afternoon job. Do these 16v burn much oil? Regards, AlanFC
  23. Mooseshaver (a dodgy moniker if ever I saw one!), I've got a Picasso HDi and am buying a C31.4 SX HDi 16v for the lady of the house. You have gone and got me all worried now! I too had a problem of smells in my Picasso and was getting symptoms, dry mouth, sore lips, sore throat. The dealer checked the car several times and could not find anything wrong. In the end I put them (and the credit card co and trading standards) on written notice that I was getting the air quality checked in the car by an independent laboratory (Institute of Occupational Medicine). If they find a problem the dealer pays if they don't you have the right to continue with further investigations until the problem is found. All done by mail order, they send you a sensor diffusion badge which clips to the sunvisor and a jar with some 'babywipes' to wipe the interior glass with. It all goes back to them after a week or so, they analyze the items and tell you what substances are in the air and at what level and measure these against acceptable exposure limits. It ain't cheap £150+vat. but if you are having problems and the dealer cant sort it you have no choice. Contact Brian Cherrie at the IOM on 0131 667 5131. he is a chemist and occupational hygienist, seems very knowledgeable and helpful. I,m about to send in my sensor and wipes and await the results. Regards, AlanFC
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