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Everything posted by TheGoose

  1. I have a C5 2001 2.2 HDI Exclusive. Will this work with my car aswell? As I have had my ECU out, but there is no wire clipped to the underneath of it. All I have is the MAIN big black plug. Then underneath are some wires going to a green box, then to the right hand side of the ECU are several Yellow wires with a Red stripe down them all going to verious plugs. So if anyone can shed some light then I would be very happy. Also have you got any pictures of what we are talking about here? Thanks Mike
  2. Hi all members. Im new to the forum. Picked up my 2001 C5 2.2Hdi Exclusive, had it about 3 weeks now.. Occasionally I get the DPF message pop up. I want to smash the guts out of my Cat and DPF filter. Is there anyone on here who may be up for removing the DPF/CAT files from my ECU for me? I plan to get the car remapped aswell. But cant afford that rigt now. But I wouldnt mind sorting this DPF issue out. So if anyone out there can help me I would be most apprieciated :) Thanks Mike
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