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About smokescreen

  • Birthday 07/24/1953

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  1. Thanks for the replies - yes both the caliper carrier bolts and the guide pin bolts have blue thread locking compound on them so I was going to reuse both sets of bolts with new compound applied. Regards Mark a.k.a smokescreen
  2. Hi there, I'm about carry this out but having read Haynes manual it states the caliper carrier bolts have to be discarded and new replacement bolts fitted. Any ideas why? I've done a few brake jobs before but have reused the original bolts. The only bolts I've replaced before were on Ford Fiesta when overhauling the cylinder head gasket as those bolts were stretch bolts. Many thanks Mark 2006 C3 1.6HDi VTR Bosch brakes
  3. Thanks for sorting the spammers out - good job.
  4. Hi tooter, I had this with my 1.4HDi after 80K miles. Citroen main dealer did the work (diagnosed 2 needed doing) and they warned me of the possibility that an injector may break when removed. None did and in the end they did all 4 as a job lot. They recut the injector seats prior to refitting. Sorry I can't for the life of me how much it cost as it was 4yr ago and all the bills/invoices went with the car when I sold it 3yr ago. Hope this helps. smokescreen
  5. If you put the RP number into this website front page you'll find the production date. http://www.citroen-ds-id.com/gen/Gen_Organr.html smokescreen
  6. I thought the date of manufacture was found from the RP number on the sticker situated on the passenger side A pillar along with tyre pressures. smokescreen
  7. I've just replied to your post in the 'steering problem' area but I see you've found this thread which has the useful info. Mark aka smokescreen
  8. Hi Barry, Front spring failure a known fault with C3s. Citroen have been known to replace them free of charge so I suggest you contact them and tell them your woes, how you could have been killed or seriously injured if it had happened at speed and see what they say. regards Mark aka smokescreen
  9. No, it's not just you. No access for me for several days.
  10. Hi there, Paul H has answered your question in the C3 Pluriel area. To reiterate his post, pushing the button briefly on the end of the wiper operating stalk will cycle through different options in a set order. I can't remember exactly which order but they include date and time, average comsumption since last reset, lies since last reset, miles to go before empty, instantaneous mpg, average speed since last reset. Reset is done by pressing and holding the same button for about 5sec. Hope this helps Mark
  11. Hi David, I was given a new C1 VTR+ as a courtesy car whilst my C3 was in for a service. I had previously owned a C3 Sensodrive (computer controlled clutch 2 pedal car) which I found excellent. The C1 VTR+ had the EGS gearbox which differed from the Sensodrive version in that it 'crept' if it was in E (auto)position with my foot off the brake which the Sensodrive didn't do. I noticed exactly the same characteristics as you have in that it was reluctant to change from 4th into 5th and it didn't like hills. I didn't discuss the C1 with the staff when I returned the car but I assumed that the 1 litre engine was lacking torque when asked to maintain speed uphill - it was OK if I put my foot down but this made the gearbox change down a gear!! Otherwise I was impressed with the C1'sperformance when accelerating up to cruising speed and the economy seemed excellent during the time I had the car (160miles). Regards Mark
  12. smokescreen


    AFAIK the only C3 with a FAP is the 06 onwards 110bhp engine model.
  13. Mark 2 C3s 2006 onwards no longer have an engine temp gauge.
  14. Are you sure you have created the 'version.txt' file on your hard-drive? Mark
  15. Hi Ferret, Mines a Mark 2 C3 on an 06 plate - headlight bulbs are H7. Best of luck trying to replace them, off-side better than near-side but it's not easy. Having done both sides now, doing the off-side first made the near-side easier as that side is done more by feel than being able to see what you're doing!! Mark aka smokescreen
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