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Everything posted by Stuey

  1. to be fair the dealer that Dave&Trace have been to are taking the piss. 10K for a spotless very rare yellow VTS, I dont think so....
  2. best on paper would be the tomtom 910. That has everything!! bluetooth for the phone, picture viewer you name it it has it...
  3. yeah they look pretty easy. The mudflaps are meant to quite easy to fit too.
  4. Ham seems to be a trend setter at the moment...a couple of us want mudflaps some of us are having the kick strips, Nattys blue waxes are coming into fashion. Maybe we will all be sporting Valentino Rossi stickers soon??
  5. you drive a bright red car with big wheels and a spoiler, you are some sort of hooligan... :blink:
  6. he's photoshop'd them off...look at his sig the car is parked in the same place with the front wheels at the same angle... busted Rich!!
  7. I quite like it...not going to do it but its certainly different...
  8. we cheated to but ours where sprayed as standard :blink:
  9. handling is a lot better, much less understeer and it feels more posistive. Bizzarly accelaration feels a bit slower but it wheel spins more now. I still think the tyres are blown up to much.
  10. welsh is right, get it all sorted. I have noticed my car banging and crashing over bumps more since I ave put these new wheels on, I can definatly tell the difference between the 16" wheels with normal tyres and the 17's with lower profiles on. Maybe the bigger wheels are causing more wear and tear on the car??
  11. im gonna have a set of mudflaps and the brushed steel kickplates of the VTS in the new year...Santa isnt that generous at my house :blink:
  12. mmm stealthy :P
  13. thats heroically dirty Moggy! i'm impressed :blink:
  14. reading reviews is all well and good but most of us have owned C4's for over a year...I know all that already...
  15. I have noticed that too, its not so bad on polish but when you come to wax over it its a pain in the rear
  16. yep most cute. I have a German Shepherd, they are very cute as puppies too
  17. I use NXT now, I really like it. I think my brother has bought me an Auto Glym gift pack for Xmas...I didnt have the heart to tell him that I prefer Meg's (and the finish is considerably better with Megs IMO) but I will have a nice bag to keep all my Megs stuff in :P
  18. I can have a try before you buy on your Natty's blue paste :P
  19. thats about the same as mine, my wheels and tyres are muddy from the country roads I take in a morning, thats still quite a departure from the norm for you Ham!! Post Christmas car washing party for me and you is in order I reckon :P
  20. no its not noisy, you know it is working but cant be classed as noisy. it calms down a lot when it is warmed through...you can get it to pull away with no throttle just on the clutch but it takes a lot of control.
  21. oh power band...it is not far off then, it does get tired at about 5K. I have noticed that it revs more freely when the engine is hot. The car is generally smoother when warmed up, it is very jerky when it is cold like this morning when it lurched everytime I changed gear...
  22. the book that says the 1.4tops out at 5300 is wrong :P
  23. maybe its trying to tell you something...the 1.4 sounds ill if you go up to the limiter. 5.5K is quite enough...
  24. random...maybe your car is scared of the rev limiter??
  25. ^^^misses sarcasm in last post^^^ :P
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