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Everything posted by THOMASROBLOT

  1. hello For this problem the first thing you have to do is to check your wire in your boot car. I am sure that there are cut on the left side (up) look at that and leave a feedback if your need more explanation I will try to find a picture it will be easy to understand. by
  2. Hi if you want some advice for your problem, the first thing to do is to check your injection calculator. It will give you some error Pcode, that help me to explain to you what to do. You can go to a garage or you can buy a OBD wire and do it by yourself. good day
  3. hi I am glad to be a new member of this forum I need some help because there are some things I not able to do... like change my name, it is my real name and I will prefer change it with a surname. could you explain to me how to do it? and i tried to edit my profile with my cars, and I didn't find how to do it. so if someone want to explain to me these things have a good day.......
  4. I think Not, because of several things like pollution, also the power and torque who wont be the same, and if you speak about a gearbox of a 16v petrol motor there is also a problem with the starter, because it isnt at the same place. but in order to be sure can give your serial car number and the one of the other gearbox
  5. hello from south of france. yesterday we also had some rain....today it is very hot.... for you problem you certainly damage your air flow meter, you can drive like that without danger for the motor. the best you can do is to remove you air filter and check if the box where the air filter is fitted is not fill of water. if you find some water clean it up, and change your air filter ( if you have one). you air flow meter will certainly be break down ( perhaps it will be better to say OUT OF ORDER?) so if you want travel back home with more power in your engine you juste have to unplug the connector on the airflow meter. It will give to the engine calculator a false information and you will have 75 % ( perhaps less) of you normal gasoil injection. But the light on your dashboard will still be on.... good luck...
  6. OK in france we use the PR number, "numéro de pièces de rechange"in french It is a raw of 4 number, it is located below the pressure tires, it is the number who the very precise date of car product for your it is something like 9456...
  7. I have an other (french)question What is a 53 plate and a 04 plate I dont know what does plate mean.... Send me your car serial number for the 2 cars, and i will tell your what is the difference between. Take care
  8. so if your fuse is OK check the connector....with 2 wires one 12v and next ground do you hear the motor on the pump if your start your car and up the suspension?
  9. Good choice I love the bva one......
  10. It is about each 10 years or 100000miles It is easy to do if you are mechanic, the special tools needed are very common In a garage you have to leave your car for 5 hours or more In france the belt with the waterpump the cost is about 600€ By
  11. Ok leave me a feed back By from france
  12. You are right But you have also to check by witch way the water goes in your air flow meter Generaly it is by the hose below the airfilter box, check if there is a gap on it. I also do a hole in the box filter in order to exit the water how comes in.
  13. hello there is a wire plug ( a big fuse) that is used for this pump, but it is hard to find it it is below the fusebox close to the engine, if I remember correctly it is a big 50A. And on certain model there is also relay close to the pump. If you want check your wire on the pump it fairly easy. you have 2 connector, the one with 2 wires must have one with 12V and the other with the ground. sometime some C5 have some difficulty to up the suspension, and you have to pressure a bite the reservoir ( 0,5 bar) I hope a help you good luck
  14. <_<
  15. hi If you want fill your gearbox you have to use the reversing light plug. remove it and fill, it above 2 liter. good luck
  16. Hi I found your car engine on the database so the P1352 is actually a fault on your glow plug system, but on this engine model it isn't something important, so leave it like this. but your real problem is with the other code P0402 an P0400 is a problem with the air intake, the things you have to do first of all is to check your air flow meter. on this model car it could swallow some water. if you remove it and check it carefully it is easy to see if some water went on it. If you want you can take a picture of the inside of the airflow meter and I will said to you if it is good or not. And if your airflow meter is ok, it certainly your vacuum system that is out of order. If it is it, you will have to change the 3 valves of the system. and for your question about hairspray cleaner. I am sur that you could save some money if you don't buy it I have never repaired a car with it. good luck I hope I help you.....
  17. Hello I could help whitout problem But in order to do it I need your car serial number, it is something like VF7xxxxxxxxxxxx With it I 'll can check on the citroen database. But I think p1352 is a relai problem Send me your number and I respond to you quickly By
  18. hello I know pretty well the C3 plural, I am used to work on it. I read your problem, and the first things you have to do, is to reboot your roof computer. It isn't complicated to do, but it is a bite hard for me to explain it. So excuse my english mistakes...........so you have to check the roof system. first start your engine, secondly go down the roof completely you must go on the boot. thirdly go up the roof and when your roof is completely closed normally your switch must be completely turned and now the more important thing you have to push on the roof switch during 30 seconds and after this time you must hear a sound like a motor that move. and now I hope everything will goes well for your car boot. perhaps it could be an other problem on your car.. first you must try this, and we could try other things later.... good luck I leave below a picture of the roof switch I told you
  19. Hello yes you are right in these motors KFU and other gasoline motors ( for C2 and C3) , you have to put 3,5 liter of oil and the hDI motors 1,4 and 1,6 it is a bite less of 4 liter of oil Each time you did you service maintenance you must change the oil filter, it is preaty cheaper and it could save your engine.
  20. I am in vacation.......
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