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Everything posted by lp2103

  1. My daughter bought a used Pug 306 mobility car fourteen years ago and she still has it. A great little car with years of life left in it. guess i was unlucky with mine.. i'm not putting the blame down to it been a mobility car..
  2. gone back to a Ford Fiesta - always drove them up until me fancying a change and gettin the Citroen.. Ended up doing the part exchange yesterday, actually miss the C3 already and its only been 15hours.. I personally think that the previous owner hasnt looked after the car plus with the additional issues it just put me off.. It was used as a mobility car prior to me getting it.. So gettin a new car everything 3 years i suppose they can do what they want with it... It may not be the case but its an option...
  3. Back to garage today and they couldnt find anything wrong - typical, the car didnt make the noise today when i got there... Whilst the car was getting looked at i test drove another car (not Citroen) and ended up part exchanging the Citroen.. Shame things didnt go more smoothly for me, was a lovely car - prior to the problems.. Thank you very much for everything youve helped me with during these last few months - for now its bye from me...
  4. i know all cars can have issues - its just that this is the first one that ive had alot of problems with in such a short space of time... if these hadnt happened im sure i would be happy with the car.. fingers crossed the 'noise' gets sorted tomorrow and garage know what it is.. it would cause alot of problems me actually changing the car so it is the last option
  5. The carshop i got the car from phoned me this morning after receiving the complaint email i sent - they said i need to go back to Citroen garage and get them to take a look with them doing the previous work - i only went to Citroen originally as they told me to... Rang Citroen and booked it in for tomorrow morning for a 15minute free consulatation - i know for sure somethings not right so work will be needed on it - but will i have to pay for this? with me only having the 'noises' since the head gasket was replaced.. Hope not!. Soon as this as been fixed the cars going - back to Ford for me i think...
  6. its rarely rare i have the air conditioning on - not used it since having the new gasket anyway.. ive just rang the dealer i got the car from and got customer services calling me back tomorrow - cant see them doing anything with it coming upto 6 months since i got the car.. will ring Citroen garage tomorrow and get booked in for my day off..
  7. Hiya Paul. I'm back for help and advice :( been sooooo busy over last few days ive not had time to ring citroen garage about the timing belt - i have more probs.. Roughly 20min motorway drive too and from work - since having the head gasket done ive noticed that after a journey theres a noise coming from under the bonnet sounds like a metal clicking/clanking nouse.. i sit in car for 10mins once i pull up at work and thats how ive heard it - its doing it daily and after each commute - any ideas? The bonnet also feels quite hot - ive checked coolant and level is fine.. Not had any warning lights on dash at all regarding temperature. Cant believe the problems ive had since getting the car - lost two days pay, nearly £600 which warranty group still hasnt paid back.. Just dont know what to do and where i go from here... I will ring the Citroen garage that did the work tomorrow and see what they can do..
  8. ahhh wasnt aware of that - thank you. Picked car up this evening so fingers crossed alls ok - noticed on receipt when i got back home that the timing belt isnt on there so no idea if belts been done - they advised it needed to be changed yesterday and i agreed - just hope i have no probs claiming money back from warranty.
  9. Just had call from Citroen garage - head gasket needs to be replaced, and theyre doing timing belt too.. Thank god for the extended warranty otherwise i would have been nearly £700 down, i can only claim head gasket back though, timing belt price was reasonable so i dont mind.. Apparently the garage doesnt have an account with RAC Warranty so i have to pay then claim money back.. Fingers crossed i'll have car back tomorrow..
  10. Just seen your comment, took it to where i bought the car from this morning - they advised it was an oil leak and mentioned something about head gasket and engine and advise me to take it to a Citroen garage for the repair as they have tools to make the job easier. I took it to Citroen and explained to them, ive had to leave the car there and waiting to hear from them now.Originally couldnt get my in until Wednesday but told them i need use of the car so hopefully i'll have more info and car back by end of day..
  11. ok, thanks for that :) worrying about it and clueless when it comes to under bonnet stuff - fingers crossed it gets me to garage.. problem after problem..
  12. Hi. I noticed Friday that something is leaking under the car - under bonnet to drivers side - it was dark when i noticed and was out for the day yesterday so left a cup under the car - managed to get a drop and its a brown fluid - a little oily. Going to hopefully get it into garage tomorrow where i bought it from as i took out the extended warranty - garage is a good 20minute motorway drive, there is no warning lights on the car at the minute - will i be safe driving it? Ive described the liquid to a family member and they seem to think the brake fluid could be leaking...
  13. Hello all, Ive seen a number of posts regarding changing the stereo in Citroens. So i would like abit of information and advise. I have a 2010 C3, for some reason my standard stereo is jumping/scratching my cds. I have played brand new Cds and within days the Cd is un-playable... I do not know what is causing this but im putting it down to the actual unit. My previous car, i modified alot including I.C.E but i would like to keep the C3 as standard as possible... BUT - i do have an aftermarket stereo i could place into the C3.. Ive seen alot of information - stating the stereos can mess up the E.G displays/central locking. Do i just put up with the current stereo or change the unit?
  14. UPDATE Ok - back from garage: took car for due to - The creak from rear and also was having extreme vibrating on motorway journeys this was happening around 60-70MPH. They could NOT find anything wrong with the car - but did re-balance wheels and advised me tyre pressure was quite low so sorted that too. Now the car drives fine So it seems that both issues was due to balancing and tyre pressure..
  15. Took car back today for a number of issues - had it confirmed that i should be putting in 32PSI all around.. :)
  16. thanks very much for that, the chip/crack is less than 4cm so would be a MOT from what ive seen online... will get a list wrote, i dont feel safe with some of the problems that im having my own fault for not going back sooner - will let you know how i get on with it all, could help any others that are having same issues.
  17. sent a number of emails to place i got car from asking if i need an appointment as ive got problems with the car i need looking at and not had any reply - so will ring tomorrow and find out where i stand... not sure if i can just turn up or not... actually got quite alot of things that need looking at - which ive not mentioned so far.. Just wondering if i can ask for abit of advise regarding something else.. A few weeks after getting the car i noticed a chip in windscreen - windscreen repair wont touch it because they say its had a 'dodgy repair' is this something the car shop should have advised me of? To be completely honest the windscreen was one of very few things i didnt check...
  18. Nothing when going over bumps, sounds fine.. I bought it from 'car shop' and took out the 2 years RAC extended warranty with them (i think thats the one) Might be best just nipping it back and gettin them to check it over.
  19. Thank you, on the inside of door theres two lots - is it loaded and unloaded? theres an image of a car with 2.1 bar front/2.0 bar rear, then an image with a car with weight in it showing higher bar numbers.. Never really have much in car so im right thinking i stick to the lower bars arent i? Found a converter online and its showing approx 30PSI..
  20. Hi. Bought the car in October last year. Not sure how long this as been going on but when i pull up in the car at work (after a 20min motorway drive) and move i hear a creak to the rear of the car.. Im average weight so not as if my weights causing this... Any ideas what the issue could be? Laura
  21. Hi. Just a quick one... Confused with tyre pressure on the car.. Its a 2010 plate C3 VTR+ Theres no information regarding this in the manual. Ive visited various web sites through google search and they are showing different to whats on the inside of my passenger door.. Can anyone advise the PSI or bar i need in my tyres? (PSI preferred) Many Thanks.
  22. Name: Citroen C3 (2010) Date Added: 26 October 2013 - 08:37 PM Owner: lp2103 Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  23. Hi. I bought a cheap MP3 player last week to connect to the aux in the car. I noticed today that the speakers are making the cracking noise wen the volume is raised. Im not talking loud, just average so i can it hear it whilst driving. Once changed to radio, the cracking stops.. Anyone else experienced this?
  24. well got all docs thru from DVLA today for transfer of private plate... filled in the online form with admiral and got an email back stating changed of number plate is £17.50.. fair enough, id understand it if they had to send me amended documents through post but everythings done online for mine.. so nearly £40 to change cars, £17.50 for number plate, its really making me think i will not stay with admiral once renewal is due in Feb...
  25. Thank you, had the car over a week now and although i am still getting used to the size (yes it is taking a while) i am enjoying driving it. I just ignore peoples opinions now.. im the driver - so if i am happy with the car, so should they :)
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