Thanks for the info, the most important internal dimension is the width of the back seat, the wider the better. The car I have seen looks great, very tidy and has the later style Dash which I like but the 1.6hdi is my main concern. I've run a couple of 2.0hdi's in the past which are great engines and I currently run a 2.2hdi C8 which is surprisingly lively. Interestingly my C8 has a dpf and the tail pipe is sooty and black inside and I know it's all original. Most of the later C5s are out of my budget, the high miler is the only one which popped up in my search criteria. Maybe I need to forget it and go for maybe a 2006 2.0 which I guess should be a more reliable beast all round. I'll read through the post you mention again which should arm me for my search. Thanks again, Rich.