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Everything posted by stereotypical

  1. hi paul, sorry for the delay in replying was going to make a post as soon as i could, i've always replied on my final outcomes in all my previous posts, only got my c8 out last week, and i got it out on the 18th Dec, then headed out north for a short holiday for a few days and only got back today. So appreciate some patience here. The BSM did the trick, but it wasn't a clear swap, mechanic had to reset several things before it could start again, the airconditioning wasn't working and and airbag fault kept popping up, but i was in a rush to get it out as i had a holiday to go to. The car isn't a 100% still, every now and then other new errors keep popping up but i keep erasing it but the initial no start issue is solved with this new bsm box if that is what you're looking for. Thanks again for the help and appreciate the patience in my response.
  2. hey thanks a lot but i've already received mine today But i might just get some spares incase for the future :) S118470003 E BSM B3
  3. yeap it is very expensive its almost 3 times more expensive then the prices in Pounds :wacko: , i visit the UK as well once in a while but not as frequent recently, i got the throttle body from the UK as well, unfortunately had no idea my fuse box was ruined when i got back otherwise i would've got a replacement as well before i left. i found this group on fb as well that just focuses on the C8, 807 and Ulysse, which was really useful, you might be interested to join as well they're quite helpful too. :rolleyes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Eurovan2/ i've not tried that before, will give it a shot tonight and see if it works thanks ;)
  4. i think there are quite some damage on it, some parts of the board looks swollen and expanded lol, i don't think it would last for any longer. unfortunately i can't register at the citroen service website, im outside of the EU, so the register button doesn't show up, and when i tried the first time it said my registration is not allowed in french and then the register button dissapeared altogether upon refresh, so i reckon its capturing my IP address from a different country outside of the EU. The link on ebay looks correct, thanks again. Still weighing my options now :) 1. Repair the existing board: possible issues later on and might not last so long, but the cheapest route. 2. Buy a used decent condition one off ebay: slightly more money, probably last longer, but not that long i reckon or could die within 2 month you never know 3. Buy a brand new one: cost the most money, but have a peace of mind that it should last me for several years, but there might be possible issues with the car that i don't know off, so wonder if spending the amount first without checking it with a used one that it can actually start if i swap might be risky. hmmmmmmm :wacko:
  5. yeap im still half and half still on either replacing it completely or try to salvage the board, based on the number, mine has an E before BSM B3, and i've found the only ones that ends with an E starts with the letter S, S118470003 E BSM B3 so i think it should be ok. Still thinking :) unfortunately i live really far away now, so collecting myself wouldn't work, the price for a new one around my area is expensive, but im not sure if i need to recode it though? I read from somewhere else that if its the exact fit there's no coding needed for it.
  6. ok manage to guess the number S118470003 E BSM B3 :)
  7. the board looks pretty damaged, there some swelling marks on some parts of the board. A bit reluctant to reuse this board again, would rather just get a better condition one off ebay, only problem now is i can't seem to get the part number on mine! :blink: i know its a BSM B3, but the number before it seems to vary from different models......
  8. finally made some progress!! mechanic found the bottom of the pcb with water damage and burn spots. I think this is the definitely the cause of this......waiting to fix it up and see if it works again.
  9. i agree with you here, just cutting the wires shouldn't be causing this, and the fact that it was running fine when he replaced the wires, says that it probably wasn't the wires itself, but you just never know with these cars, one day its fine and another it isn't. So far from what i've observed is that he knows to not jumpstart the car, as he's familiar with alfa romeo's and fiats and those don't like to be jumpstarted as well which he's explained to me. I've personally witnessed him remove the battery and sent it for a recharge. But he did say that the check engine light wasn't showing up when he recharged the battery and put it back, and he tried testing it with an old battery that had dodgy voltage spikes and the check engine light turned on when he turned the ignition which was really weird. I've not asked him yet about the earth points and aerial yet, haven't gone there today it's been raining all day so i reckon it's gonna cause more issues with the car parked outside. Yes i can bring it to a citroen dealer but its miles away and i have to get a tow truck so im waiting on him to tell me he can't fix it and then look for other options, he still thinks its the bsi which im reluctant to change as its a big job and cost a lot, owning this c8 for the past 1.5 yrs has thought me that it has a lot of dodgy wiring and that i've seen how just one wire can cause all sorts of problems to the whole system so i doubt that the bsi is faulty at the moment. Do you know how to check live data in lexia upon starting the car to see which ones not working as it should? Im not familiar with using it, all i do is do a global test and thats it, besides that im more or less clueless on how to use it.
  10. yeap i dont think he's going to charge me so much as the car was in his hands when it happened so im merely helping him out in trying to solve this problem, but it happened when he was testing it so i dont think he has the nerve to charge me an arm and a leg if he can't seem to figure it out. So far he's been reasonable anyways and have been honest with all my previous repairs. so the old throttle body was partially damaged at the socket area, what the previous owner did was instead of getting a new throttle body and connector, he just welded the wires into the damaged throttle body, which meant he removed the connector casing. See image attached. But what i realised is that whole piece of wiring was broken in the insides, so ive been plagued with anti pollution faults and random obd2 fault codes to my tps sensor for the past year. Finally figure it out that the wires were broken inside. So this time i got a proper connector that fits the throttle body and also a brand new throttle body as well. So i sent it to the mechanic, and he cut off the wires where it was breaking and joined it with the new connector that i bought, and then he replaced the throttle body and put the connector in and voila, all connected properly without any welding and etc. Then next day the immo fault popped up and it went dead. Then started again randomly and then went dead again after two days and never to have awoken again. I think it would be a big hassle again to reuse the old throttle body as everything is broken and it doesnt even have pins, but its worth a try if he exhausts all other options.
  11. Yeap the immo fault popped up when he changed the throttle body and redid the wiring through the torelte body as well. Im not sure about the ecu firmware though, ive never touched it since i had it and i dont know if the previous owner did but frm the loks of it i dont think so.
  12. wow thanks ok will update mine and give it a shot. Just got back from the mechanic again, he's checked all fuse boxes even took out the pcb and cleaned everything still no start. Batteries charged still no start, he's still not checked the earth wires properly though told him to do it. He's tested everything and said that the BSI is not communicating with the engine ecu and he think its the bsi thats faulty. I'd rather not try to get a new bsi as its expensive and requires it to be cloned and its just based on his diagnosing skills would rather have a definite answer that can pinpoint that its definitely the bsi, he used his generic reader and it can connect to the BSI but the BSI is not communicating with the engine ECU. So any ideas...... ? sigh.......
  13. Yeah he was just taking the pcb box out when i went there, how do i delete the errors though, it says permanent fault so it didn't let me erase it, and i can't go into that specific error it was just showing it from the screenshots but not allowing me to click inside it. Im using V7.65 can a transponder fault cause all the rest to not work? as i found a spare parts dealer that sells it and its really cheap so figured maybe i could give it a try and replace the transponder aerial and see if that works?
  14. ok i have a feeling its the bsi as the errors show: 1. Communication fault to engine ECU 2. Communication fault to engine ECU 3. ABS fault 3. Permanent fault to RH and LH indicators 4. Permanent fault to Transponder Aerial 5. Permanent fault door mirror flip back output open circuit which relay or fuse powers the bsi? or which one could have been faulty that caused all those errors at once? found this post in another forum as well that sounds similar. https://www.rac.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?21426-Citroen-C5-Electrical-Immobiliser-ECU-BSI-issue but no solutions. sigh..........
  15. yeap thanks i've read that post already, told my mechanic to do so, but somehow he doesnt believe in earth wires causing the no start issue, but insisted anyways. Went there today and he's already tried fully recharging the battery but still doesnt work. He's checking all fuses now and stripping everything under the dashboard, im getting more and more worried that opening everything up is going to cause more issues later on. :( i see the transponder permanent fault as well, someone commented on that on my post in a fb chat, and said it could be the transponder, but i see the error in communication with the ECU and also remote ECU, so im thinking something to do with the bsi connection there? but i highly doubt something has failed as everything was working fine until he replaced the throttle body and the wiring to it.
  16. ok will do heading down there again tomorrow will let my mechanic know to do all those first before mis diagnosing my car. thanks a bunch!
  17. im still not sure if it is the battery though as my mechanic mentioned when he replaced the throttle body it was working fine, and then next day immobilizer fault popped up, then he tried some reset function where he open and closed the door lock 3 times, then went into ignition twice, and then it started, he was just messing about really and it was fine, then he parked it for two days, and tried again immobilizer fault popped up and economy mode pops up. Now its just economy mode popping up. But would a dodgy battery cause this? why would it run fine the first day and then not the second and then run again only to fail two days later?
  18. i don't think its the fuel pump though, it was working fine after the throttle body change and then it stopped when the immobilizer kicks in, i see from lexia that its not communicating with the engine ecu and remote alarm ecu.
  19. changed the throttle body cuz it was giving really bad idles, the wiring was dodgy as well, and the throttle body waas already slightly damaged at the connector area from the previous owner, and it wasn't adjusting well when the aircon compressor kicks in, and it usually cuts off when i slow down at traffic jams, i have to play around with my accelerator pedal so it won't die out everytime which is really annoying. press the lock button on the remote you mean ? and hold it for 15 seconds before cranking? or hold it at the ignition 1st level for 15 seconds and then crank? yeah its been raining where the car's been parked checked the fuse box looks ok, but will let my mechanic know today if recharging the battery doesn't work. thx g
  20. i do see this small image in the dash that shows when the car is completely switched off, never seen that before when it was working.
  21. ok went to the mechanic today, brought lexia with me, scanned it. This is what i got, permanent faults to the ecu and remote alarm but can't seem to go into deeper, it just shows those below. Any ideas? Im not so familiar with lexia and its functionalities but this is what i've got so far, if anyone can let me know what should i do next? Tried resetting from Pauls replies in another post, . Ensure no diagnostics tool is connected. 2. Put the driver's window down and ensure all equipment is switched off. 3. Ensure all doors are closed, remove key from the ignition and wait for 3 minutes. 4. Disconnect the vehicle battery and wait 15 seconds. 5. Reconnect the vehicle battery and wait a further 10 seconds (do not open doors). 6. Switch on the side lights through the driver's window (you will hear a "bong"). 7. Switch on the ignition and check system's functionality. 8. Hold lock button on key down for 10 seconds. 9. Remove key, open & close door and test central locking system. 10. Start the engine and complete the system's check. NOTE: Upon re-connection (soft re-boot), if any vehicle function controlled by the BSi (i.e . interior light) is switched on, the internal operation of the BSi has the potential to spike or corrupt its configuration and software program...... That didn't work either, cuz its on economy mode, so i can't wind the window down, so i don't think it worked, didn't get the bong sound. Mechanic's gonna replace the batteries tomorrow, and check the coil packs. Any ideas on what i should do with the lexia? Is there a way to reset everything with lexia? Switched off the ecu and on again from the box but didn't work either.
  22. hi, new problems as usual :) Sent my C8 to my mechanic to replace the throttle body and do some rewiring as you know from my other post that i've been having issues with it for a while now with the dodgy wires and dodgy throttle body. Anyhow, mechanic replaced the throttle body with a brand new one, got new wires connected to it, and serviced the engine oil, and everything worked fine. Next day, immobilizer fault pops up, he cant start it anymore obviously it cuts out the fuel. He told me he did some reset stuff on his own, using a combination of the computer and the remote key and etc, which i dont know how, and it could start again, and everything worked fine again, he test drove it around and etc and then parked it back again. Two days later, same thing happened immobilizer fault, then its economy mode pops up. he tried his previous method but it didn't work anymore and now its just not starting at all. I followed one instruction about the door and keyhole thing to disconnect the battery and etc but that didn't reset the bsi. Checked the earth connections, that didn't work either. Any ideas what happened? Im afraid he might have messed something up while replacing the throttle body or trying to unlock the immobilizer when it popped up but still doesnt make sense that it worked fine for the first day but not the second. Planning to take my laptop over there when im free as i have lexia in it, as he has no clue what to do now. He's not a citroen specialist btw, but he's decent mechanic and trust worthy one which is why i go to him. thx
  23. still no luck i have the part number but no where can it be found......... sigh............none on the internet as well I was told that its a sleeve just going into the fuel tank. They even gave me a diagram but said no stock available. Part number : 1505ZZ Anyone have any clue where i can find it :(
  24. Hi, Anyone knows where i can get this hose for the petrol filler section? Its near where i fill up petrol, everytime i fill up, it leaks massively. Looked all over the net and can't seem to find the part, looked at the local dealers they don't have it as well. Mines the 2003 16v 2.0 petrol model. thx!
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