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The audible reminder for the seat belt has stopped working. Dashboad light still works. Also the audible reminder for the indicators stopped working but the dash lights and the lights themselves are fine. I cannot find a dedicated fuse. Any ideas?

Apologies - c8, 2005, 2.0 HDI exclusive.  Had tow bar fitted in Apr - used for first time with trailer in May.  Problem above started after 2nd outing with trailer in tow in August.  Trailer has a louder indicator noise when hooked up - this still works.


I hoped that with the extra info somebody may have come up with a few ideas.


Does the buzzer sound if you leave the key in the car or if you leave the lights on and have you tried with the towbar fuses removed in case this is having an effect ? Was the towbar wired up using a dedicated Citroen kit or an ordinary wiring kit with by-pass relays ?


I have been unable to find any info on the warning buzzer location but at a guess it may be built in to the bsi cabin fuse box and if it is faulty, as a guess, it may need a bsi repair.


Just had a listen to our C4 and the beeps come from the comms 2000 unit below the steering wheel. Tried with the hazards on, then put the lights on and opened the driver's door. The beeping from the hazards stopped to be replaced by the lights on beep so they are probably using the same beeper. Depending on the towbar fuse checks, it may be you need to replace the comms unit - however, if the audible warning of the indicators is not part of the MOT you could do nothing for now.

The lights on buzzer still works. I am afraid that I do not know where to find the towbar fuses. Again I am uncertain on the type of kit used when the towbar was fitted. Was was not done by Citroen so I would guess an ordinary wiring kit. By what I have read the Mot requirement is working indicator lights. I was hoping there was an undocumented fuse. Thanks very much for your help.

We have a caravan so I have fitted towbars to some of our cars using wiring kits for the 12N and 12S and 13 pin sockets with by-pass relays. The 12 volt supplies were taken from the batteries with fuses at the battery end of the wiring, 15 amp (blue) for the lighting relay and 20 amp (yellow) for the caravan supply relay. So, as a first I would look at the battery (under driver's footwell ?) for any fuses and the 12 volt positive supply wiring. If you only have the 12N lighting socket, it is possible it may have been wired without a relay, direct from the rear lights so would not have a battery supply and fuse - you would have to look in the boot area for where the towbar cable ends to see it it goes to a relay or direct to the rear lights.


On the MOT, the MOT testers manual is available on-line on one of the direct.gov sites. I have a 1/2012 copy and under section 1.4 for indicators and hazards there must be a working 'tell tale' which may be audible or visual - so if you have a flashing light that shows the indicators are working then you may not need the beeper as well. A link to the latest one http://www.motinfo.gov.uk/htdocs/m4s01000401.htm

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