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I have been getting water (yes water, not condensate, not any other substance) in the drivers footwell (only).


Have traced leak as far as the steering column bulkhead shroud "area", but still don't precisely know where the water is coming from.

Only appears after a rain fall, and I aint perfected the technique of driving with my head between my ankles and head rotated by 180 degrees.


Now I have silicone sealed the shroud all round between bulkhead and shroud (absolute sod).


I also noticed "rust" on the inner pin of the coupling (strange), so I've greased in between, in case external

rain water is being driven through (which I feel might be a red herring).


Anyway tried to remove scuttle panel to peek in between bulkhead, wipers and screws etc removed succesfully, but:

there is two little "ears" where your bonnet hinges are that need to come off first, they are attached to each of the wings.


I can see a pin that locks them to the wing, but cannot figure out how to remove.


Any help much appreciated.


Another common problem. Citroen have designed the cabin air intake under the scuttle so that rain goes through the right wiper grommet or even down the windscreen and drips into the air intake. It then runs back and out of a joint so it runs down the inside of the bulkhead and around your feet. Sealants do not help so I cured this by putting a cover over the air intake, there is a post on this plus I can e-mail you some pictures if required. Try searching on wet footwell.


From memory, to remove the ears - the coloured plastic parts at the bottom of the windscreen pillars, remove the bolt at the bottom which is hidden by a bit that pulls/levers up/off, then gently pull the part sideways to the middle of the windscreen so a locating peg comes out of a sleeved hole in the windscreen pillar. I broke these pegs off and ended up buying new parts. In the Haynes manual there are pictures of this under wiper motor removal page 12.15. Once the scuttle bolts are removed, slide it down off the windscreen to avoid breaking off locating lugs on the back (from memory).


Another common problem. Citroen have designed the cabin air intake under the scuttle so that rain goes through the right wiper grommet or even down the windscreen and drips into the air intake. It then runs back and out of a joint so it runs down the inside of the bulkhead and around your feet. Sealants do not help so I cured this by putting a cover over the air intake, there is a post on this plus I can e-mail you some pictures if required. Try searching on wet footwell.


From memory, to remove the ears - the coloured plastic parts at the bottom of the windscreen pillars, remove the bolt at the bottom which is hidden by a bit that pulls/levers up/off, then gently pull the part sideways to the middle of the windscreen so a locating peg comes out of a sleeved hole in the windscreen pillar. I broke these pegs off and ended up buying new parts. In the Haynes manual there are pictures of this under wiper motor removal page 12.15. Once the scuttle bolts are removed, slide it down off the windscreen to avoid breaking off locating lugs on the back (from memory).


Thank you for your response.


I have spotted that the drivers wiper blade does not have the grommet that the passenger side has, so next step is to find suitable grommet and seal.


Looks like someone has been here before !!


Lugs, yes I removed the cap and screw, but felt if I pulled down the clip would break. I'll see if the sealing of RHS wiper blade and top of scuttle panel have any effect prior to going down the removal of scuttle panel.


Now, I cannot trace any water leak above the point where steering column goes through bulhead. (I've lifted/cut insulation to determine).

I have removed the pollen filter and it's completely dry, If water was entering through air intake, would the filter not be wet or is the water leak you mention more devious !


So, we will see how this progresses !

Sorry, it is not the right wiper but the left with the grommet on that is over the air intake so no need to bother with the right one. The water that gets in does not seem to make it to the pollen filter and normal air con drain but escapes through the foam padding where the air intake is fastened to the bulkhead and runs down the inside of the bulkhead.

Thank you for your response.


I have spotted that the drivers wiper blade does not have the grommet that the passenger side has, so next step is to find suitable grommet and seal.


Looks like someone has been here before !!


Lugs, yes I removed the cap and screw, but felt if I pulled down the clip would break. I'll see if the sealing of RHS wiper blade and top of scuttle panel have any effect prior to going down the removal of scuttle panel.


Now, I cannot trace any water leak above the point where steering column goes through bulhead. (I've lifted/cut insulation to determine).

I have removed the pollen filter and it's completely dry, If water was entering through air intake, would the filter not be wet or is the water leak you mention more devious !


So, we will see how this progresses !


Ok, you were correct, mearly sealing the scuttle panel failed, as the first sign of rain the footwell was soaking again.

So I removed scuttle panel and removed air intake grill cover.

To find that (bottom left hand side area ish) between inside of air intake and bulkhead were gaps, so any water which did enter through air intake would go down the inside of the bulkhead rather than down through the air intake.

Simple eh !!, stupid design, so I've sealed the inside of the air intake and created cover over the air intake but not enough to restrict flow, this will stop any water that seeps through the wiper arm or windsrceen into the air intake and any water that rises up will flood the air intake chamber !! arrgh (hopefully not)


Any way at least I can now remove/replace scuttle panel, air intake grill and windscreen wiper motor.


So hope that;s it cured.


Time will tell.

It is about 3 years since I did a similar mod and it has not rained in since so you should be ok. I would still like to find a way of stopping the sides of the rear hatch pouring water in as I open it and then our car will be water tight.
  • 3 weeks later...

It is about 3 years since I did a similar mod and it has not rained in since so you should be ok. I would still like to find a way of stopping the sides of the rear hatch pouring water in as I open it and then our car will be water tight.


Well, thank you for your advice, have had a good few gallons of rain poured over the car since I last posted and it ain't leaked since.


Sorted, superb.



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