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  • 2 months later...

Citoren have very handily put a drain plug on the radiator on the Xantia. As you stand in front of the engine, it is down to the right. Connect a bit of hose onto that.


Remove the expansion tank cap.


There is a vent on the themostat housing. Unscrew that to aid the old anti freeze in draining.


Once the system is fully drained, flush it through with hot water preferably.


Buy an anti freeze that is ready to pour in and check that it is one suitable for the HDi engine. You need at least -25c liquid.


Close the drain plug on the radiator and pour in the fluid carefully into the expansion tank.


OPnce you have got around four litres in, start the engine and let it tick over.


When you see some of the fresh anit freeze coming out of the thermostate vent, close it.


Continue to add the anti freeze bit by bit until the anti freeze is at its correct level in the expansion tank. Put on the cap.


Let the engine temperature build up to normal and take the car for a short run, and watch to see that the temperature gauge does not rise into the red, which would indicate an air lock.


Leave the car over night and check the level in the expansion tank again.


Contrary to what Kevin says, there isn't a drain tap on the C5 rad. I haven't changed the coolant in mine yet, but on our Xsara, I remove the bottom hose and drain it from there. That of course doesn't drain the engine block, but since I change the fluid every 2-3 years, and use the same antifreeze, I don't bother about it.


Regarding the C5, I think there's an 'O' ring on the joint which sometimes breaks when it's removed. Go carefully.

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