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sammys hdi vts

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Everything posted by sammys hdi vts

  1. Its on order, apparently there are none in the UK warehouse so its got to come from France. God knows how long that will take, I will put pics up when its done. I might even be the first in the country with one, who knows!
  2. just spoken to my dealer, works out at £45 inc VAT from him, suggests a 30 min fitting time but he had a look at the instructions and it looks as if its a sleeve that fits over the existing pipe then a U clamp to tighten 2 nuts so it could be done as a simple DIY part. I'm very tempted!
  3. Just been looking at the other forum and found this on the accesories bit. Anyone got it yet? Does it fit under the bumper as diesel VTS doesn't have a cut out like the petrol VTS. Dealer fit or DIY? Part No. 9400.J5 Chrome Exhast Trim: Diesel Models only Price £36.62 inc Vat http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/extrim.jpg
  4. Been there done that! I had the same part fall off my 2.0 hdi vts last christmas, I only found out when the low coolant warning came on as it had punctured my radiator and drained it for me. I thnik it was a bracket to protect one of the fan belt componets. It fell off due to a poorly fitted bolt which was incorectly used at the factory. Citroen assist picked the car up Abbey Citroen in Redhill (surrey) ordered a new radiator and fixed it same day for free. Photos attached of the damage caused! Be aware as I was one of the first people for it to happen to as the garage had to make an official statement to Citroen on the fault! http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/CIMG0945.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/CIMG0943.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/CIMG0942.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/CIMG0941.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/CIMG0944.jpg
  5. Well it seems I get stung for being in London! Mine was about £ 600 for a diesel vts with 3years no claims, 24 year old male teacher with Admiral! I havent had the ecu remapped because that would have put the insurance up to £900 if I told them. Ouch.
  6. The spoiler is only standard with the petrol vts, the diesel has it as an option. I have the spoiler and think that it completes the coupe. I have seen several without it and I dont like the car. I really would recomend it. Ps, Abbey Citroen in Redhill are great dealers, just had the car in for an service module (airbag) recall and they did loads of little bits like replacing the drivers seatbelt as it didnt recoil and clipping back in a rear fog light after I was rear ended a while ago and they also did the brake calipers for the rear wheels. Picked my car up and dropped it off, no hassle all free. Thanks!
  7. yeah just in the door there are lights, it might only be on the vts though? its just a case of taking out the old bulb and slipping in the new led version. no funny stuff! keep the old bulbs for when you sell the car!
  8. Mike, my dad paid 200 notes for the ambience pack in his civic, i paid £7 for my C4! Here is a link to a brilliant website, you need a bulb with a 501 marking, this is the size to fir the car. Its deadsimple, take out the old bulb put in the new led, done. I have one in each doorwell so when you open the door its blue in the passenger well and on the drivers road, you know what I mean, one either side on the interior lighting at the front, middle is still white so you can see a map etc if needed, rear passenger is blue and boot works in blue but trrying some lighting strips but they flash on and off, think there is a voltage drop causing it but dont have time to check. They are really bright and much nicer than the civic, they stay on ever so slightly when the engine is running but completely off when you lock the car. So easy and cheap, a great mod! these are mine, Ultra leds these are amber like you want ultraleds- amber http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/CIMG1849.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/CIMG1852.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/CIMG1851.jpg
  9. I have been using a navman 530i for 6 months with no probs yet, it sometimes takes a while for it to get signal but after that its fine
  10. love the dual pipes, had a look on the website, been a long time since I did german GCSE! finding it hard to work out if there are any prices available for the rear bumber? Anyone know of a musketier retailer in the uk?
  11. Ive had the esp on a fair bit, normally when going round sharp corners, not really tried taking the car close to the limit as not many fast roads in london and I'm not sure I'm talented enough to get out of a sticky situation. I find it easy to spin the wheels though, easy on a wet road when you are trying to pull into fast moving traffic, just got to give it some welly, esp cant keep up.
  12. well, humblur dimbur idumjar and he said "bugger me its an elephant with 7 legs" and jar thert ommbulleee jar lool H AH HA HA HA!, and i was very , very drunk! thats all the police got when they questioned him so could have been!
  13. well he was 50 ish, saturday afternoon, didnt stop after a minor crash, overtook three cars on a narrow road and nearly hit oncomming traffic several times, oh and misjudged his speed hence hit a moving car. plus I found out where he lives and spoke to his neighbours who say that he likes a tipple! Shame he doesnt know where I live!!!! :blink:
  14. I find the clutch high on my C4. Got quite worried about when I borowed my parents Toyota MR2 for a week then went back to my car. Took took a while to get used to it again. Think its just the design but works fine now, no slip or anything. Got rear ended the other day by a drunk driver when I was doing 20mph behind a couple of other cars down a small country road, luckily the rear is strong and the bumper popped straightr back out and there is only the slightest of marks where the paint has cracked. Bloke sped of with out stopping so I did the clever thing and chased him. Got his numberplate and let him go after he started jumping the traffic lights! Police are now on the case. All good fun!
  15. I was very close to getting the vx220 before the c4. It was only when i realised how hard it is to get in and out of the vx and its impracticalities that I went for a c4 vts at about the same price. Still want one though, might upgrade to a tvr tuscan at some point, 380bhp sounds fun and a 2000 reg with 30k on the clock is about £16k at the mo. Dont think i would survive long mind before I crash. Are they one of the best looking sports cars? http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/redtuscan.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/blacktuscanrear.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/tuscaninterior.jpg http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n104/andrew_seal/blacktuscan.jpg
  16. yeah my silver vts is a dull grey most of the time, got my sis to wash it over the summer and had a shock! it looked bloody brilliant again! I find it almost impossible to wash the vts alloys when there is a hose pipe ban, cant get enough water on them to get rid of brake dust. I find the rear windscreen get dirty quickly and we all know how small the rear wiper is!
  17. anyone follow up on the dealer chip? this thread all went a bit dead and still looking to give myself a 25th birthday present!
  18. yep its a turbo diesel, if it wasnt you would have somewhere in the region on half the horsepower. Just dumps extra air into the engine to aid combustion. Most modern diesels do. As to the problem I cant help.
  19. I would like to know how a thief would get on with trying to nick a VTS. Laminated glass, few locks to pick, no mechanical lock to lift with a coathanger, bonnet is protected with that flap on the passenger side so they cant get to the ecu, wheel lock and electronic ignition/imobiliser mean its a bitch to steal. Why not just take another car! I'm lucky enough to have bought a citroen package with the car so if its written off or permanently stolen citroen will make up the difference between the insurnce payout and the value of a new VTS. So hope its nicked on the last day of the 3 year package! (sort of). Have a look at these to ease your mind! http://www.carpages.co.uk/citroen/citroen-...ck-29-06-05.asp http://www.theaa.com/motoring_advice/secur...wards-2006.html
  20. I had a quote for £930 living in south croydon for a VTS petrol, diesel VTS only cost me £615 this year!
  21. over about 6000 miles I have managed 40.3, but only through long journeys on the motorway. Most of the time I get 36 ish! bit of a heavy foot nipping in and out of london traffic!
  22. Anyone phoned the dealer yet? Im interested to know if it is a chip or a remap! BUt hell if its dealer authorised and they want to warranty the upgrade then I had better start raiding the piggy bank!
  23. Really grates me when people don't wear their belts! No one goes out in the morning intending to have an accident yet these belts save lifes, not only the wearers but the familys involved as well. I had a friend of mine who rolled his car on the french motorway and nearly decapitated himself if it wasnt for the belt keeping him in place. Also ended up in an accident outside my parents drive, me and my grandad had seatbelts on and had no injueies at all, and the other bloke had smashed his head into the windsceen and ended up with nasty concussion and a bloody nose. He had only been popping down to the shops to get some milk! idiot! rant over
  24. I'm am obviously interested in hearing the outcome of this one, considering my lack of progress on remapping my ecu! (still going to wait till march for my 25th bday as the remap would have added nearly £350 to the insurance premium, ouch!)
  25. :o Its filth. I want one, now! Really wish Citroen continue to produce unusual cars, think it may have more success as it continues to see that customers really want alternative looking vehicles that dont look like boxes! Lets hope some nutter is in charge of the project and lets it be signed off for manufacture. Look at the Alfa Brera, that went from concept to production pretty quickly! Crossed fingers
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