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Everything posted by C4VTS

  1. Manager at work has a company car Honda Civic. It needed new rear tyres after 6,000 miles as tyre fitters declared it as dangerous. :o
  2. Don't know what it could be, but have you looked under the bonnet and had a good look around for anything unusual, and made sure everything looks secure?
  3. I think the C4 in general has now become a good car, as all the common faults are now known, and the number of people complaining has reduced dramatically.
  4. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. :P I have only heard bad things about new VW cars. Skoda Octavia would be a better bet. IMHO. :P Good luck with new job though.
  5. C4VTS

    Side Windows

    Yes, the alarm is standard on VTS. The rear side windows are labelled as laminated but not the fronts.
  6. C4VTS

    Side Windows

    I think only the rear windows in the VTS are laminated, and that was confirmed by a windscreen installer. Have we all been conned, as I presumed even the front side windows were laminated?
  7. You can get new rubbers on eBay for £7.50 Not tried them myself but it's a lot cheaper than the alternatives.
  8. I averaged 70mpg after refuelling and being stuck behind a Nissan Micra at 35/40mph for 20 miles on a NSL road. Not bad for a VTS HDi 2.0. Usual max average is 40MPG.
  9. I can see that my rear brake pads are Bosch branded. My car is ex-demo Citroen owned. Have not had any problems with the brakes, so I guess the work was done before I got it last year.
  10. My auto wipe goes at warp speed on a cold morning with no rain, but just after having scraped the windscreen of frost, and sometimes after overnight rain.
  11. The offside rear end of my car makes lots of loud creaking noises after being parked in warm weather at work all day. The noise goes away after going round a few bends after 5 minutes. I would guess it's the rear shock absorbers rather than the rear parcel shelf. Anyone else had this?
  12. I have read that is not covered under warranty.
  13. C4VTS

    Tyre Wear

    What mileage has the car done?
  14. Don't like it. The car looks ugly. :lol: Latin Americans must have very bad taste. <_< :blink:
  15. Good Result. :blink: <_<
  16. I am averaging 40MPG in my 2.0HDi. Most of my driving is on motorways. I agree that if you stick to speed limits then nearer 50MPG would be possible, but I would lose the will to live, and probably fall asleep watching everyone speed past me. :)
  17. The RT3 is not necessarily at fault, as owners of Garmin,Navman, and TomTom traffic receivers also have the same problems receiving traffic information. The problem is caused by the UK radio signals being transmitted at low power. If you read the forums on PocketGPS world, the issues are well documented by all satnav owners with traffic modules. I am using TomTom on my phone and getting the traffic info via the TomTom GPRS subscription, and this works very well. Was considering getting a receiver with the free traffic info, but all the current models do not work properly.
  18. Maybe some lubrication up the arse of Citroen might help. :) :unsure:
  19. Clutch replacement is usually non-warranty unless proven to be a manufacturing fault. It comes in same category as brake discs/pads. :)
  20. I would not call 48 euros +VAT per week a small fee. :lol:
  21. There is plenty of free circuit diagrams and technical details for the Peugeot 307 if you do a google search. The 307 is very similar to the C4.
  22. kfk We also used to think 640KB of RAM was more than enough and nobody would be using the internet. "640kb ought to be enough for anyone." -Bill Gates "The Internet? We are not interested in it." -Bill Gates
  23. C4VTS


    Check your log book for the VIN number. Letters 6,7,8 identify the engine type. I found a list of some Citroen/Peugeot engines. symbols 6,7,8 678 ENGINE COMMENTS Citroёn Models 6FZ 1800i, 16V HFX 1100i KFN 2000cc, 16V, 167hp Xsara KFU 1400cc C3 KVF 1400i Berlingo NFU 1600i, 16V, 108.8hp C4 NFV 1600i, 8V, 65kWt Xsara Picasso NFZ 1600i, 8V, 70kWt Xsara Picasso RFJ 2000cc C5 RFL 2000i Jumper RFN 2000, 16V, 137hp RHV 2000, HDi Jumper RHW 2000, HDi RLZ 2000, 16V, HPi WJY 1900D, (DW8) XFX 3000i, 24V More engine codes here:- http://www.peugeotlogic.com/workshop/wshtm...ecs/vincode.htm
  24. C4VTS


    http://www.channel4.com/4car/rt/citroen/c4/80/2 This review quotes there was a petrol 138BHP, and the 143BHP auto. Also , if you look in the owners handbook at the back, it has the specs for the 138BHP petrol engine.
  25. Aircon on or off makes very little difference to MPG on my 2.0 HDi.
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