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Z3M Roadster

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Everything posted by Z3M Roadster

  1. I seem to recall I had to wait quite a while, over 8 weeks, but then again mine was one of the first being a 54 plate
  2. Not to sway people from this forum but you could have the "c4um.co.uk" spelt phonetically for those who don't get it
  3. http://www.chippeduk.com/ try these chaps. A number of people have used them on the Z3 forum. The norm seems to be around a 25bhp increase on a 2.8 and less as the engine size decreases. They offer rolling maps where someone will go out with you and map the car while you drive, this generates the most bhp increase. I'd be impressed if anyone manages to get more than 20bhp increase on a c4 even on a diesel. In response to the 300bhp 330d BMW, Chipped UK managed 236bhp up from 184bhp. I would think 300bhp is unlikely.
  4. I didn't say it was slow, my point was that it is not a high performance engine and should not experience any judder. Comparatively the M power engine is high performance with 100bhp per litre and 321bhp and I don't get any clutch judder with that. I do find it hard to pull away smoothly in my C4 if you don't get the revs perfect but put this down to the drive by wire. Probably just another C4 trait.
  5. What a load of rubbish, you should be able to pull away smoothly. Its not like the clutch has to take much load as its hardly what I'd class as high performance.
  6. Mine was one of the first in the UK on a 54 plate and I do more than average miles. Have just rolled over 40k.
  7. To go a little off topic. The day I got the car the cruise failed, they had the car for a fortnight and still have the same recurring problem which, from reading the forum appears to be related to the clutch sensor so will get this sorted at the service next week Also when I got the car (SX Hdi) there was a mark on 1 of the seats so the dealer valeted the interior, this resulted in the entire interior becoming stained. I have since had it valeted again and Scotchguarded and the 2 front seat covers replaced. I am told that water marks the seats and there is nothing you can do about it! Also the aircon only worked when the car was moving, this was finally rectified but has reverted back to its old ways. Windscreens keep breaking, on my 5th now. Drive along, here a bang and a big crack appears and now the trim on the near side is peeling off. Getting to know the chaps at RAC autoglass on a first name basis. The car then overheated as the fans wouldn't cut in, fantastic in central London. Had to pull over and wait for an hour for Citroen Assist to recover the car. Another week and a half to repair that. A few bits of trim have fallen off, including the badges from the boot and the plastic on the interior of the boot with the retaining cord for the parcel shelf. (Not really the cars fault but..) I hit a pheasant at 50mph, it punched the headlight into the car and broke the grill, the company had a nice bill for £370, of which £250 was for a new headlight. In doing this I found out that the only way to replace the bulbs is to take the car to a dealer! Finally a customer service complaint, well there hasn't been any. I have been to 4 main dealers now all of whom talk to me like an absolute idiot, probably because it is a company car, and a relatively cheap one at that. Every time I get the car back there are grubby marks on it and last time my Nokia handsfree kit bracket had been snapped off, which they tried to blame on me. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head but sure there have been other problems. All in all, extremely poor, car looks good but that is as far as it goes. Should have opted for a new Focus
  8. Don't forget that when you get the car back it will be registered as stolen recovered and seriously affect your resale. Thats why I don't bother on my ///M Roadster, if someone nicks it, they are welcome to it, I'll just get another one.
  9. The computer on mine has never shown anything other than 54.3mpg. Never tested its reliability as I have a fuel card and don't care. Is there anyway to reset all of the info on the computer?
  10. I have an SX with standard wheel fitment. I have never had a car with wheels that can't be balanced before. Saying that I have never had a car with so many problems and that has broken down the day before both of its services. Perhaps I am unlucky or is it typical Citroen. If I had to pay for it, I'd be seriously hacked off.
  11. I have had my C4 1.6HDi from new as it is a Company car. I have now managed to rack up 40,000miles on my 54 plate. The car has had numerous problems, the latest being that I have just had the 2 front tyres replaced at Kwik Fit (the company stipulates I have to go there) and had Pirellis put on, after 5 return journeys they still can't balance them. I have since been to a Citroen dealer in London who had the car for a week and still have failed to balance them properly, they replaced all of the wheels and suggested that Pirellis can't be balanced!! so replaced the new tyres with Michelins, still to no avail. Thank god the company picks up the bills Has anyone else experienced this?
  12. Mine too is peeling off on the passenger side, probably something to do with the fact I am on my 5th windscreen! They just keep randomly cracking. Yet another of the many faults with this car, thank god it is company owned.
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