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Everything posted by 2004hm

  1. I managed to open my door by vibrating the door from the inside with an air chisel resting on a block of wood so as to not damage the door whilst unlocking door. Kind regards, 2004hm
  2. A good DIYer can change the diesel filter for less than £20 Regards, HM. Talk about it on 07739174102.
  3. The diesel filter can be changed by a competent DIYer for less than £20. The price you have been quoted is probably for the particulate filter and catalytic converter – nothing what so ever to do with the diesel filter. Regards. HM.
  4. I have the same problem, the only way I can be economical is to drive mostly in manual mode. I tend to only use auto in very heavy traffic. Sorry I am not able to help. Please let me know if you find anything. Regards. HM.
  5. I agree – I am going to do my C5 at 80k. I think 100k is rather optimistic – some Alfas only do about 40k now. Regards, 2004hm.
  6. Hi, When you say software – what are you using it with? If you are not careful you will cost yourself £1000+ by damaging the whole system. Regards, 2004hm.
  7. Hello Dave, You are right the casing is clipped on, with care and patience it can be removed. It is a bit difficult to explain. There are about 5 clips if I remember correctly, if you look round where they join together carefully using a small screwdriver you can locate them gently ease each one and at the same time with a larger screwdriver in the joining crack ease each one about one eight of an inch at a time you should manage it. Regards, HM.
  8. To reset the window anti pinch you will have to disconnect the battery for a few seconds then reconnect. Once the window is wound all the way down you wind it up, it will go up in stages so you have to keep pressing the button every time it stops. When it gets to the top of its travel, providing there isn’t anything else wrong with it you should be able to hold the up button for about 5 seconds....this will reset the anti pinch position and should operate normally from then on. If there is a problem with the window regulator it may stop you doing that and you will still have the problem......you will need to do it with all your windows and then reset your clock. Now for the warning: I did one of these once, set everything up and then found the car wouldn’t start. If that happens close the doors (key in hand), wander round to the front passenger door and operate the locks using the key blade. Then back round to the drivers side and open door using blade. The car should start. If the remote control looses its memory, put key in ignition, turn it to the position before starting and press the locking button on the remote for 10 seconds. Remove the key and wait 2 minutes YOU MUST resist the urge to press it and see if it works because the car is trying to save the programmed key in that 2 minutes, you'll just make it take longer.
  9. Hello Liz, I don’t know about the lights but I have had the same problem with the door. It was the electric solenoid in the door itself, they are about £60. A competant DIYer should be able to fit it. Regards, HM
  10. Hi, Take mirror apart, cut wires to sensor touch them together for a moment, if you get a reading a new sensor will cost you about £20 from Citroen, solder the wores and assemble. Regards, 2004hm.
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