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Everything posted by wozza

  1. That depends on driving style though. I personally prefer the way a petrol drives i like the wider powerband and when driving a little more spirited i dont need to change up every few seconds as the powers gone. Diesels arent really to everyones fancy why i wouldnt want one plus the way they drive the modern diesel is mainly due to the turbo charger take the turbo away and your left with a slow car. And yes i have driven diesels quicker ones than the 110 hdi's and i still prefer a petrol engine as a car to rack up miles on though diesels arent too bad but i dont do enough miles only do around 12000 a year so to me a petrol is better hence wy im going for a performance petrol car next.
  2. The wonders of turbo lag. Although great fun when they actually come on boost and suddenly just take off.
  3. Said this before myself just not worth it owning a diesel. However you do usually get a little more on resale over a diesel and save a little on tax. But are those fuel figures a little off last time i looked diesel was more expensive than optimax and other super unleaded fuels.
  4. Dont need to disconnect the battery no.
  5. wozza

    C4 Meet

    If any of you are staying in manchester then we can leave from here together convoy down and those that are staying can always go out for some drinks at night etc.
  6. Cool guide mate. Stickied it as it will likely be useful to people in the future.
  7. £90 is ridiculous for the work involved. It is only plugging in a couple of wires its a 10 - 15 minute job at the very most.
  8. Only way to directly control ipod is aftermarket device of some kind either something like what ham has got or aftermarket headunit.
  9. wozza

    C4 Meet

    Cant miss them anyway when they land in your house the envelope is rather catchy its purple i thought it was junk mail at first.
  10. brake pads and disc are things which can wear in a few thousand miles or tens of thousands how you drive makes the most impact on them. If you brake hard and late etc there gonna wear down quicker. does seem a little too early to be replacing them though.
  11. looking good get the spoiler on there when ya can!
  12. wozza

    C4 Meet

    Yup ordered ours roughly same day ham ordered his after us though a few days after and still got them quicker.
  13. I love black when its clean unfortunately last time i had a black car it could not stay clean for longer than 10 minutes due to my drive having a huge tree in it. I gave up with black cars then for that reason i could not be arsed washing it and then withotu moving it 3 hours later it would be covered in sap again.
  14. wozza

    C4 Meet

    My 4 tickets arrived today.
  15. Welcome back to proper C4 ownership lol. And agreeing with others we need pics!
  16. wozza


    never had this before until the other day when i first turned it over and it was loud car had been stood for a couple days without being used but never had it before was a little odd not had it since though.
  17. Its like a garage...but its not a garage lol.
  18. Compared to the C5 the boot is likely to be a fair bit smaller mate. Differet class of car. But well what the C4 lacks in space it makes up for in style -_-
  19. Very mate it just rolls off the tongue.
  20. I just mentioned it in the 3doors safer threead and now it seems to have stuck lol. Personally i think your new occupation needs to revolve around the sterilization of chavs...Just imagine how much fun that would be or not.
  21. As long as the boot is at least 6"2 long it should fit most people in lying down would suit his dead body needs perfectly... -_-
  22. Exactly older means more need for a 5 door hence couldnt have the Coupe :-P
  23. You know what i think the problem here is? There just upset they could not have the coupe :-P
  24. Result then shouldnt take too long for them to sort it for you. And when the bodyshop repairs it see if they can source the other front bumper with the little splitter bit built in instead of the current one you have mate will make the front end look a bit nicer and well they might be able to do it for you since its an insurance job. Should ask them about anything else that you want doing as well know a few people that got freebies thrown in as such from accidents.
  25. My mate made that mistake when he bought his car. The colour it was called was Ski Blue yet in the booklet it looked green purple i told him not to go on that he ordered it car arrived he hated the colour but he did keep sayign he knew better.
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