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Everything posted by syrup

  1. As kfk says pressing the end of the wiper stalk alters the settings. If you press on the end quickly it will toggle between the computer settings 1,2 and 3 shown on your display. Holding the end down will zero the display your on. I use display one for general motoring, display two I zero when I fill up to give details on that tank of petrol and display three I haven't touched, to show what I have done since purchasing the car ie Distance travelled, mpg and average speed.
  2. syrup

    Tyre Wear

    I know this link is for the C4 but it may give you a guide. http://c4owners.org/plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?28408
  3. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong as I'm remembering when I used to my own clutches many many years ago. A thrust bearing is a bit similar to a wheel bearing, it fits on the spline in the gearbox. The clutch actuating leaver on the inside of the gearbox housing (used to be called bell housing) which is a continuation of the leaver outside connects with the thrust bearing which sits on a spline, the bearing connecting to the clutch plate which connects to the flywheel (all when the clutch is engaged) when the pedal is depressed they all disengage. I would have thought the thrust bearing would last about the similar time as a clutch and depending how the clutch is used I would have thought on a modern car a least 50,000 miles. As I've said I'm sure this will be corrected if it's misleading, but it will at least give some idea. Keith
  4. Welcome Firat! Try this site as well http://c4owners.org/news.php :D
  5. No problem for me! http://www.c4owners.org/news.php
  6. Welcome Raybrig I've had my 1.6 (petrol) vtr+ hatch for just over two years and can't really fault it other than some niggles on it's conversion to R/H drive!
  7. Any idea why did my dealer say they needed mine for a whole day as that's how long it takes to do, not the 2 hours as stated? :huh:
  8. The clutch on my C4 has been high since new, asked my dealer if they could adjust it and they said that C4 clutches are unadjustable and that it was the norm. Members on this other site http://www.c4owners.org/news.php all state the clutch being high. Keith
  9. The mirrors fold closer to the car if you push them the wrong way with the glass facing outwards. Never knew that. wozza I'll let you try it first :)
  10. Just to confirm what wozza said!
  11. Certainly doesn't look to be a diy job. Pop in to your local dealer to see what they say!
  12. These cheaper portable versions are available from Argos Portable dvd
  13. As Stuey says it does take some getting used to. My wife won't drive ours unless she really has to, but perhaps that's not a bad thing! (a bit unfair as she is a good driver)
  14. This is the result of the last poll, which wasn't as specific as this. Will be interesting to see if it changes much! Link
  15. Had a good listen to mine today for you (1.6 petrol) ultra silent even on start up in my garage, when stationary I sometimes have to check the rev counter thinking I've stalled it. As I've said previously the only noise I had was the cannister valve which Welshguy has got back ;). No problem with the ride either, but it probably depends on what you were driving before, mine was a Freelander.
  16. Is it from inside the car you are saying it's noisy?
  17. <_< Your not convinced it's the cannister valve then as previously stated?
  18. I had exactly the same problem when I first had mine, they traced it to the cannister valve. They removed it and replaced it (the same one) and said they would find out if it was a common problem, on the way home it disappeared never to return. It's not a fault, just annoying. KFK a Citroen mechanic on here will confirm this. I hope this helps Keith
  19. Doesn't the bill tell you cost per litre to enable you to tell. Does it tell you how many litres bought and total price so you can work it out? It's not as if you're new at buying diesel!
  20. Welcome on board. Nice to see another hatchback ;)
  21. :rolleyes: Welcome Another good C4 site http://www.c4owners.co.uk/news.php
  22. It was down for a while it's ok now.
  23. Looks good.
  24. What would we do without him. I think I'll give it a go!
  25. Mike are the places for the door lights there or did you have to make them? Also how much were they?
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