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ham's c4vts

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Everything posted by ham's c4vts

  1. ill add you but my xbox 360 is dead should get a new one any day now from mail order(boots.com) got a good discount and boots points(£18) :D only brought a core this time
  2. how many do we need to get the extra discount and how much is the group booking for remapping?
  3. No mine doesnt do it either, just tried what you said Rich, perhaps its only on the exclusive? :unsure:
  4. just been reading on a forum about remapping a 206 gti 180 and they gained around 12 to 15 bhp and same in torque. they were saying pound for pound its worth it easy gain for not much cash. im going to have a good long think on the toilet and decide. oops too much information
  5. on the grass? :) :) ;)
  6. are you sure its not down to pure acceleration :) ;)
  7. definately, it would be nice to try before you buy on a c4 demo model. i know that you get your money back if not happy, are you having it done? im not too sure ;) oh did you order your bagde(VTS)? ive got no flat spots, had two citroen ZX 1.4's both had bad flat spots very anoying
  8. ive just been quoated £295 for mine, 14 bhp and 15ftlb torque........hmmmmmmmmm ;)
  9. :) your in trouble again, shes just read your post ;)
  10. thats about flat out book speed (140.6 mph) what was it like ;) tell us more
  11. Welcome to the forum Dino, i do love your glass roof, would of liked one on mine
  12. ok mate, looking forward to forza motorsports 2? i am ;)
  13. Yes me, its Hamcob, but bloody thing has died :o :D so getting another asap
  14. its also in the 207 Gt but detuned
  15. Look some flashy rear lights oooooooo! ;) http://www.body-kit.co.uk/acatalog/citroen...ear-lights.html and this http://www.grandprixlegends.com/F1LegendsS...cookie%5Ftest=1
  16. Yes try the plug on the inside of the doors leading edge, my Zx had that problem. hope you sort it
  17. i drove my mates seat leon fr(170)tdi with the 6 soeed box and found it a bit rubbery, but, its only done around 200 miles. it didnt feel any better than the gear box in my C4. and the FR has a red led thing going on ;)
  18. Normally Citroen use a taper fit (around 45 degres) using a male and female to connect together and a clamp goes round them which if clean gives a good seal
  19. NOOOOOOOOOOOO look at this what has he done? http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...6lr%3D%26sa%3DN
  20. Cheers mate :unsure:
  21. im wondering if the Vts back box will fit, as when i brought a Devil for my Xsara 1.6, i would fit all models from 1.4 upto vts, except the estate as its longer. it was also the same for ZX and AX as well.
  22. it normally happens when my cars been washed or its been raining, then it freezes, its a pain, ive tried back to black spray on a rag and wipped all of the seals. but not too sure if it works as next day its mild blood british weather bit of ice/snow and the whole contry comes to a stand still :unsure:
  23. Ta :unsure:
  24. Its not the sam though is it? your tailpipe points at the floor and hidden, i would of thought you would have to cut the trim under the bumper to fit it?? :unsure:
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