I complained to citroen uk this was there reply I am sorry to learn of your concern regarding the brakes and gearbox on your vehicle. As you may appreciate, brakes will wear progressively during the vehicle’s serviceable life and may eventually require replacement. The rate of wear will depend upon many factors but mainly the conditions of use and driving style will determine this. Citroën UK relies upon its dealers to identify the reason for failure and, if they can identify a manufacturing or material defect, the repair will be attended to under the terms of your warranty. If, however, no material defect is evident and wear is the result of driving conditions, as the owner of the vehicle, you would be responsible for any costs involved. Should your dealer consider Citroën UK has a responsibility, I am sure they will be pleased to represent your interests by contacting our Guarantee Department on your behalf Not much good mind you i found a very good aproved dealer in bedford.He sust out the gearbox problems in minutes.Faulty selector bracket