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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. If it is immediately to the left of the 'Air Bag' light - its a warning that there is water in the fuel filter(diesel models only I think) If it is immediately to the right of the 'Passenger Air Bag Deactivation' light its a warning there is a problem with the anti-lock braking system.
  2. The servive countdown from 12500 miles can be reset by pressing the trip mileometer reset and then switching on the ignition - it will coundown from 9 to 0 then release the buton and that will reset the counter - if that's any good to you - or are you after something different. What model have you got??
  3. If the lock symbol on the dash is illuminated it is immobilised and wont start. I wish I could offer some help as to what is causing it. It may be the chip keyfob is not being recognised by the car and it is reading it as an incorrect key or the signal is being interfered with. I had a similar problem with a 1.4i xsara a couple of years back. I drove to a shop, bought a few bits, went back to the car and it wouldn't start. The lock symbol was illuminated all the time I was turning the engine over. I pushed the car about 10 yards and tried again - and it started. the only thing I could put that down to was a mobile telephone mast causing inteference with the electronics. I suggested that scenario to the local Citroen dealers and they said that it could be entirely plausible for that to happen - and they had heard of similar instances on different makes of vehicles (Audi for one) It may just be a toatal coincidence but who knows for sure?? I hope you get it sorted soon mate. Maybe need the key programming to the car?? But what has caused it to fall out of syncronisation is anybodies guess.
  4. Many thanks for a quick, and to the point, reply. Don't want to be buying any of that stuff.
  5. Could anyone enlighten me as to whether I need eolys fluid for my 53 plated 2.0HDi xsara (its actually a late Jan 04 model) I have just had a new Cat/front pipe fitted as the cat had cracked a weld on the outlet. I could have had it welded up but opted for a new unit (£141 fitted) for peace of mind.
  6. Sorry mate that's wrong. Water will boil very easily in a vacuum and at a much lower temperature than 212deg F (100deg C). It's the opposite that applies. You can exceed 100 degrees without water boiling if it is under pressure. Taking it to extremes we have water at work that is in excess of 500 degrees farenheight and still in liquid state - but it is under 600psi of pressure !!
  7. I would also say diff too. I had a similar problem on my 1.4i LX when I had it. A replacement box sorted it.
  8. What is the air filter like - not clogged is it? Possible spark plugs breaking down at high temp? Fuel pressure regulator?? I assume it has one somewhere (even my Lada Niva injection has one of those)
  9. Quote theprouk"If the cap is taken off the expansion tank and the engine revved, the water boils over from the expansion tank." Have you checked the engine oil lately?? Is it emulsified (creamy couloured) if so it may well point to a head gasket leak between a cylinder and oilway. If there are a lot of bubbles in the expansion tank it could point towards a head gasket leak between a cylinder and coolant waterway. If you have been having to top up the expansion tank regularly then there is a problem somewhere. Coolant is obviously being lost and if it is coming out of the expansion tank cap there is some serious overpressuring problems. I hope its something as simple as a stuck thermostat not allowing proper circulation and not something more serious. What sort of mileage has the vehicle done - not that it should make a lot of difference. I am coming up to 107k on my Xsara HDi? Any other signs of problems - such as increased coolant temp (more than normal)
  10. Jonno

    Fuel Smell

    Is it really likely there is a hole in the top of the tank?? I thought they were plastic tanks. Could understand it if it were a steel tank. Check the fuel filler cap, is the fuel tank pressurising?? Could it possibly be a porous fuel line and only evident when on tickover where excess fuel is recycling back to the tank.
  11. The aircon light will illuminate if you select demist of the front screen - its an automatic function. If you don't want the aircon on in that mode just press the button to switch it off. I can't comment on why the blower should be operating at full speed all the time though - unless the rheostat on the motor that controls its speed is faulty. As for the ligts Sounds as though you may have a bad earth somewhere on your lights and its earthing through the indicator circuit. Check the wiring to the light unit in question and trace out the earth lead to make sure its still attached and secure. I feel for you mate, there are some tossers out there who just don't give a sh!t about other peoples property. Hope you get it fixed up without too much hassle
  12. I did have a 1.4i LX and that gearbox started making noises during acceleration and on the overrun. The car had done around 50k on a '51 plate when I bought it. Traced the noise to a possible diff problem. Managed to get a secondhand box from Roger Windley car dismantlers out at Tattershal Lincs. I paid, well actually the dealers I bought the Citroen from, £110 for the box and the dealers fitted it free as it was still under a three month warranty. I don't know whether there is any difference between the "westcoast" and "LX" models - I am not that up to speed on the specifics. I would certainly look at the linkages first to rule out any anomolies there, let's hope its an easy fix
  13. Ok so perhaps "addicted" was the wrong expression to use. It was meant to inform that use of the starting aid spray could result in the engine becoming reliant on it to start. I suppose one reason for that would be the possibility of premature wear of the cylinders due to the lack of lubrication of the ether based spray. Once compression is compromised a diesel engine will not function as it is intended and the only way to get it to start would be to use the lower compression pressure ignition properties of the ether based sprays. Granted a quick spray to prove one way or the other whether there is a problem with fuel related isues would not neccessarily cause any long term damage.
  14. How did you test the plugs?? If you tested them idividually on a battery and they worked fine then that proves the plugs themselves are ok - what it doesn't prove however is whether they are getting a suply voltage when in the engine. Get a voltmeter or a test light and test the wiring to the glowplugs when the ignition is on to prove you have electrickery to them. Check the fuse to the glowplug system and check to see if the timer relay is working. You may be able to hear it clicking in? Didn't someone on another post have a similar problem with a Berlingo? That was a melted connector on the glow plug relay. Surestart, easystart or indeed any of those other ether based starting sprays are engine killers - don't use them. Engines become very quickly addicted to them and then won't start without using them. They have no lubricating properties whatsoever and can cause rapid cylinder wear.
  15. Any other tell tale signs? Overheating, more smoke than usual out of the exhaust? Wondering whether its a small head gasket leak that is more apparent when either under load or when engine hot.
  16. Dashboard lighting dimmer control :( Again a late post - never mind, if someone gets a bit of help from it - it's worth it I suppose
  17. It's probably more likely to be the sped sensor, as you say, not giving a pulse signal to the speedo head. Check the wiring to it too - make sure all connections are tight and clean and that the cables haven't been trapped/chafed anywhere. They perhaps operate on very low voltages and as such any corrosion of the contacts could lead to bad readings. Apologies in advance for this late reply to the post (note to self - must look at posted dates first :( )
  18. The mileage trip button also doubles as the service reminder mileage reset. To reset the service mileage press the button while the ignition is off then turn on the ignition (don't start the vehicle) and wait for the counter to reach 0 (it will count down from 9) then let go of the button. I had a roof trim rattle on my 2001 xsara which I rectified by gently pulling the headlining down a small enough amount to insert some thin carpet between the headlining and roof. Be careful though you don't want to distort the lining. I used a bent coat hanger wire to push the carpet into position. I will have a look at the manual to see what the other button does and get back to you.
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