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Everything posted by downsman

  1. I've had my C1 for a few weeks now, and I'm very pleased with it :) However, I decided to check the wheel bolts weren't ridiculously tight when cleaning it, so I tried removing the nearside front wheel trim. Wow they are hard to remove without injuring fingers. Maybe I've got the wrong technique, but I wasn't impressed. They are just as hard to replace, much worse than previous Citroen ones I've had. I tried convincing the wife that it looks better without them, but that didn't work! I don't want bigger tyres or much expense, so I don't fancy alloys. I have considered getting the steel wheels coated white though, I could dispense with the trims and it I think it would look quite good :)
  2. downsman


    Hi and welcome to the forum :ph34r: I haven't done anything to my C1 yet, so I'm not speaking from experience. However, I've had a quick look at the Citroen site and they list: Tailgate spoiler £90 Front spoiler and foglamp kit £330 Alloy 14" wheels £127 Aluminium gearknob £49.35 Aluminuim look dashboard kit £133 Chrome tailpipe £40 All these figures exclude fitting. You can have a look on the C1 site, I don't seem to be able to do a link directly to the page. There must be a selection of alternatives available, probably cheaper, but I have no idea if they affect the warranty. It's always a good idea to tell your insurer about even minor mods, but I'm sure you're aware of this :P Anyway, hope this is of help, and make sure you post some pics whatever you decide to do.
  3. Probably a bit late for this, but our old Berlingo had similar problems, and it was the HT leads connection corroding.
  4. Good news :angry: Our old berlingo had the recall for spring guards to be fitted. I was surprised t the time that they didn't just replace the springs and be done with it. This way they end up paying two or three times. Honest john reported that the problem was for a lot of European makes (including BMW if I remember correctly) because there was a batch of springs likely to fail.
  5. Nice looking car, I'm surprised I havn't seen one of those on the road yet.
  6. Good idea removing the rear drums, when we had an AX I never quite got round to doing that and at 10 years the rear brake seized on while I was going round a roundabout! The brake cylinders were seized onto the back plate, and I ended up rebuilding the cylinder in situ :( Not the best part of the car design wise :) Enjoy your AX when you've finished, it was probably the best car I've owned so far :)
  7. I've just been looking through old threads on the 107 owners forum, and I noticed this in common faults: It may be that your hinges need replacing, so it might be worth getting your dealer to check them. Hope this is of interest :P
  8. Yes it's stupid isn't it! I picked my C1 up this week and couldn't believe that my 30 year old pressure gauge wouldn't fit :rolleyes: I've ordered one from Amazon, because I don't fancy removing trims just to check the pressure. If it fits OK, I'll post a link on here :blink:
  9. My C1 has a firm ride and can get a bit jiggly on certain roads. However, it never feels like it is being damaged and the ride is a lot better than my last car :rolleyes: The handling in corners and stability at speed are much better than I expected of such a tiny car :blink: I have heard stories of cars where the garage failed to remove packing pieces which are used to stop the car moving during transit! It may be that this could explain your problems.
  10. I've just noticed this thread, thanks for this information :) I've removed the trims from doors before, and there's almost always some clip I overlook, and end up breaking.
  11. Beautiful car :( I had a black one for 5 years, and my father still has it. It has reached 140 000 miles on the original clutch and the engine is still going strong!
  12. We use salt here too :( It might reduce accidents due to ice, but it kills cars in the long run. I've had an aluminium fuel filter corrode through under our Berlingo due to salt. Apparently in New Zealand they don't use salt, and they drive around in 30 to 40 year old cars!
  13. I think you're probably right, the hole is there to allow oil penetration :rolleyes: I think you'll have more luck if you use an oil. As I understand it WD40 is designed to displace water, rather than lubricate. As far as which oil to use, I don't know. It might be worth asking you mechanic what they use at the dealer next time it's serviced :angry:
  14. Hi, I'm new to the forum, as I'm awaiting delivery of a C1 vibe 5 door :unsure: This sounds like excellent advice :) Unfortunately, there are only three things you can do with wheel clearance problems (without changing the wheels). You can raise the ride height with stiffer springs, which will ruin the handling and ride. You can cut the bodywork to clear the tyres: ok on a race car but not on your valuable road car. Or (if you can find them), you can fit rising rate springs that have similar characteristics to the standard springs when lightly loaded, but don't compress as much when heavily loaded.
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