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Everything posted by Parkesie

  1. Sounds like a problem i had where the bottom bearing on the hub carrier has failed. Often called the lower ball joint or a frim joint. To check send suspension up jack up each wheel and rock wheel top to bottom. If someone can do this while you watch the bearings it should be easy to spot the duff bearing.
  2. The link is connected to the arb by a u clamp i should imagine you could loosen the u clamp and rotate it until you get the correct ride height. Trying not to squash yourself.
  3. Deffinately replace clutch aswell. Flywheel as a judgement call depending on condition/age of the thing or if its cheap enough just do it anway.
  4. Towed long distance can cause gearbox failiure in some boxes as the oil wont circulate as it should causing some bearings to run dry. AA man is also negating the human factor of towing someone who might not be experienced at being towed or a crazy who takes the keys out of the ignition.
  5. Handy bit of info for anyone else who has this job crop up you need e14 and e18 star drive sockets.
  6. Got 100k out of it before it went wobbly so not a total disaster.
  7. Right got the sucker off Untitled by Parkesiemtb, on Flickr The inner race didnt want to let go of the hub carrier but a small cut with a dremel and a whack with a chisel and hammer made short work of it. Untitled by Parkesiemtb, on Flickr Replacement part was £15 from ebay basicaly a stock cartridge bearing pressed into the old housing easy to fit.
  8. Checked woth my local citroen parts place and they want £105 for 1 ball joint eeek and they advise to check the hub carrier where it slots in as they can corode and wear. Eurocar parts are £50 for 1 gonna ring around a few more places i think.
  9. Your snapped nipple may come out with a easy out shouldnt even need to mess about trying to drill it. If that fails a new caliper as paul says is the easiest if a more expensive solution.
  10. Cant remember the sizes of the top of my head but you just need a torx bit to remove the disc locating screw and something along the lines of a 13 mm to remove the caliper bolts and 19mm to remove the carrier. Pistons just push back on the mk3 c5.
  11. Ive got a clonking lower ball joint any particular brands of replacement to be wary of and anything to watch for when changing the sucker?
  12. Not had a c5 auto but on other autos using the sport mode will change up later but with either if you stick your foot right down i to the carpet the gearbox should change down a gear for better acceleation.
  13. No idea but it is a feature on my mk3 exclusive the mirror selection switch has to be in a certain position for it to work though.
  14. Ive had the drainage holes in the bottom of a door block and the water get into the car via the door card.
  15. My mk3 points the mirrors down upon selecting reverse not sure if its a feature available on the older cars?
  16. Had mine 2 years almost now and it still amuses me how the whole car moves about when you get in and out. Seats only move when you press the buttons. I have in the past knocked the button for my wifes setting and not noticed because of whatever i was faffing about with until i was basically sitting on the dashboard.
  17. Its exactlythe same as the one john describes. Easy job just carefull where you spill fuel :)
  18. Sounds like a flap somewhere was stuck and got its self unstuck.
  19. Ive been called out to many a break down for this and 4x4 with t box in neutral.
  20. Parkesie

    C5 Sim?

    If its anything like the mk3 it has a small button you press with a tooth pick like implement that makes the sim holder pop out. image by Parkesiemtb, on Flickr
  21. Sounds like a fun day :)
  22. If it has a speed sensor it will be on a small mounting point by the input shaft. I belive all the racks have the mounting point with or without the sensor. Easiest acces to see is through the footwell again.
  23. Ive had many cars do the same the c5 does it and some times dosnt id imagine it depends on the humidity in the air. As a random mine likes to steam up on a certain stretch of road thats in a dip that floods.
  24. If running aircon your blowing cool dry air over the screen when you turn it off your blowing warm moist air over it. When you turn off the aircon redirect the air flow. Also making sure the inside of the screen is as clean as possible will help.
  25. Can you get the other en of the pipe undone with out killing it? Have the strut and pipe of the car to have ago at? Or just replace the pipe. Best way ive found to get these sort of stuborn pipes off is with a pipe spanner and a libberal application of freeze spray before trying to turn it.
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