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Everything posted by winnie

  1. It dose seem different, it hesitates before moving off. It has been standing under a tree and was a mess. I am contemplating weather to change to the Merc as one car will have to go.
  2. As i accelerate away from stop, I easy my foot on the gas but it starts to move off slowly, I have to put my foot down a little more then woosh. Now this is an old car, automatic. It has been standing for a couple of months as I have been using my wife's car (Merc). Do you think I need to oil something, it just don't seem to be as smooth as the Merc.
  3. Are found it. After crawling around in the back of the car I found the hole, I used the smallest screwdriver to wiggle it about and hay presto it popped open. I will leave it for a day or two to take the lock off and see if I can repair or replace it, at the moment its to cold out there. It was your picture that put me on the right track, thanks Paul. Will let you know how I get on when I look more closely at the lock.
  4. I have looked through old topics about tail gate not opening, well its happened to me, the tailgate is stuck closed. After reading lots of post and armed with a selection of screwdrivers I climb in at the rear of the seats but no small hole. I did not give up there I prized of the top covering of the tailgate, but that did not help. Next got a friend, nice lady to crawl in and to see if she can see a small hole, no luck. If only you could see us both. Can anyone help or is it a garage job.
  5. Thanks for the reply, for both the post. I was toying with changing the car, I put it in for its MOT and the old girl past so I'll keep it for another year.
  6. Just now and again but not often, I switch of the ignition and the bonnet go's up and down. To stop this I have to re start the car then turn it off again. Is it because I don't remove the key first time round. It has only happened a couple of times.
  7. I press the key fob to open my C5 estate 2001, open the tail gate, put any item in it, close the tail gate. I walk round to the drivers door and its locked. I have to press the key fob again. Why dose it do that?
  8. Thanks for that as I did not know it came through the radio, I will press the little black button to shut it up, the radio that is. Thanks for the help.
  9. When driving the radio comes on with a traffic warning, I must of pressed something with out knowing. How do I turn it off. I have tried turning the volume down but after a little time it starts again. The station is my local one.
  10. I have now changed the rear stop/tail light bulb so now have lights. My next job will be to test if there is power getting to the number plait lights with my test meter, this will be a job for my wife. Not doing any more today as I am wet and fed up with light bulb changing. I made one mistake buy buying cheep bulbs from the Range and discovering the little side pins was not in line but off set so had to go to get yet more bulbs. I am coming to the conclusion I need to change my car for a Volvo, only joking.
  11. I have got the number plait bulb covers out and put in new bulbs, no light, I have checked wiring on rear stop light off side. Now I need to check near side tomorrow as would you believe that stop light has gone. Hoping for a dry day for this.
  12. We was driving down the motorway and after about 1 hour the computer beeped 3 times then 15 mins up the road it did it again, my wife looked at the computer screen and said it has a picture of the car but it had a dark line at the rear. We think it may have been the boot as we had put some shopping in there. We continued home as the boot looked closed. The next day we set off for Southampton but first I looked into the boot/tail gate (estate model) and pushed the junk well back. About half hour down the M3 and beep, beep, beep, beep, this continued for 2 to 3 mins. (loads of beeps). I stopped in a layby and my wife got out, opened the boot then slammed it closed but said the boot door was closed and nothing in the way. So far no more beeps. The picture had the same, car with dark line at rear but after my wife had shut the rear it never came on. Any ideas ?
  13. I have managed to get to the bulbs, brought 2 new ones, put in but they did not work, tested bulbs in my disability scooter and they worked. Just before tackling the number plate bulbs I changed the off side stop/tail light bulb, do you think I have undone a connector there. All lights was working once but then I had to give the tail light a bang, loose connection.
  14. Both my number plate bulbs have died so I decided to change them but when I looked could not fathom how to get at them. My Citroen is a C5 diesel estate 2001. Hoping it will be a simple fix.
  15. My car has just past the MOT on the 6th August with no advisers yippy but have noticed for some time that the drivers seat belt takes some time to return. I was thinking of pulling it out as far as it will go then spraying in the gap some WD40. Good or bad idea, don't fancy taking it to bits.
  16. I think you maybe right about holding the keys I don't have a lot of feeling in my left hand and was telling my wife, she tells me its never happened to her. I have yet another question, in a new topic about seat belts. Thanks again for the help.
  17. I find on some occasions when closing the tail gate the car locks all the doors. Is this correct? One day I'm going to lock my only key inside. I have the C5 estate 2001 automatic.
  18. I have the pleasure of looking after my daughters Land Rover 2013 for a week when she is sunning her self on some desert island, it has a button to put on the hand break but she tells me she never use this just puts it in park. Can we do that with out Citroen auto's? PS. not going to use her car in case I want one.
  19. I have done a silly thing, after having new tyres put on I asked the fitter to put cable ties on the hub caps but in the boot of the car C5 2001 2ltr estate I used the wheel spanner socket on something else and mixed it up. can anyone remind me of the size of the socket that will fit the wheel nut, just in case I need to change the wheel.
  20. Is it easy to change the computer screen from kilometres to miles, at the moment it says 300 km.
  21. The only thing that may have happened but I can't see how is it may have dropped out when driving. If anyone is going to Lee On The Solent, keep a lookout for it.
  22. I have looked every ware but no sign in the engine compartment or in side of the car, and shed, weeley bin, conservatory. It is not that it is a small cover. Okay one more question, can I live with out it?
  23. I put the battery cover back on but I can see the radiator the side towards the engine. I will have a good look again in the sump cover.
  24. As you know I had to replace my battery, all working fine now. To day I went to dip my oil and opened the bonnet and it all looked different under there, I could see the alternator there was no cover. There was a battery cover, the cover over the oil filler, the one over the left side but at the very front just by the rad, no cover. Now there have been no little locking screws on any of the covers and so I looked in side but no plastic broken bits, its just disappeared. I know I'm getting on in years and now and again displace things but not a engine cover. Reg
  25. Put battery on with some grease on the terminals, started first time. Off to Lee On The Solent just to give it a run and the dog. Tanks for the help
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